Advice on breakout on test and anavar cycle


New member
G'day guys just looking for abit of info or advice. I've done a couple of cycles of test only and never had a drama with my skin. This cycle I've been running 1ml of test prop EOD and about 9-10 weeks in started 50mg of anavar to finish off. Bout a week after starting the anavar I've broken out in red cysty pimples all over my side, bit on my back, shoulders and chest. Thought this was abit weird seeing as the research I've done on anavar says its known for minimal side effects and I've never had a drama on the test. Do you think a)it could be bad gear
b) estrogen levels are too high, even though I don't have other symptoms like bloating or decreased sex drive
c)or just my body reacting to it
Any input would be appreciated. Cheers
Or d) your liver isn't coping and the breakout is liver related - if your liver can't get rid of toxins the body will find the next excretory system like your skin.