Advice on My First Cycle

Yes, fill up the syringe with Deca and inject right into the upper right corner of the eye. Alternate eye EOD.

For estrogen/ PCT all you need is some creatine (make sure to get the monohydrate). Snort 1 - 2 lines per day or as needed.
so as u know this is my first cycle and i need a little help!
i will be taking Test Cyp and i think i should stack with deca...? just wondering on how much a week and how many times a week i should do and if u think deca is a good choice.. also anti-estrogen? do i need it if i take the deca? any advice will help! thanks guys

advice... read and research AAS. you not ready.
most will recommend only test-e for your first cycle. 500 mg every week ( 2ml ) injected twice a week ( reason for twice a week is the active half-life of test-enanthate is about 5 days so in order to avoid having 2 days of no testosterone in your system you inject it twice a week. )
Have some anti-estrogen like nolvo at hand incase of any 500mg a week I don't get any sides other than water retention but different people react differently... clomid is the way to go post cycle.

But to answer your question yes Deca and Test-E are a great mix ... although most people say that test-e is best for your first cycle I'm gonna swim against the current here and say it doesn't mean that stacking in your first cycle isn't bad either... but if you are to lazy to read up on your own... and you don't know how your body reacts to steroids the most commonly sensible thing to do would be to learn it one substance at a time... you will get a great result from just test-e if this is your first cycle and since most recommend deca to be ran for 12-14 weeks its gonna be a long cycle and without the experience and know how with PCT you'll just loose more meat once you get off the juice and it'll be a big waste of good oil...

That being said if you read well enough and are prepared for it deca + test-e is a great combo but its a better idea to just start with the test... if you really want to stack try dianabol for the first 40 weeks of your cycle that should give you a good kick start before the test-e kicks in