Advice on pinning glutes yourself?

I use a mirror , I just mark a spot w my fingernail that I'm going to inject and twist and use the mirror if needed. I hate doing them myself
I'm not flexible at ALL, so I stick with quads/delts for the most part. If I have to toss in another site, it would be ventro glutes, which are far easier to reach. Still too chickenshit to pin my pecs or traps LOL.
I'm not flexible at ALL, so I stick with quads/delts for the most part. If I have to toss in another site, it would be ventro glutes, which are far easier to reach. Still too chickenshit to pin my pecs or traps LOL.

Lol. I'm thinking I need 6 spots for proper rotation with this eod pinning. Was gonna do delts (never done them before), quads (my fav), and glutes. They handle gear well for me in past cycle I just always had some one do it for me. That person is not around anymore.
Delts seem even more forgiving than quads, at least for smaller volumes. Pinned pecs once on each side with mixed results (left hurt a bit, right side was fine). Tried a bit lower down on the quad the other day and must have hit a nerve - that needle came out in an instant, nothing voluntary about it.
I pin my glutes myself. Craziest thing, I have two baby moles on each side and in between is the perfect spot. Haha.
Lol. I'm thinking I need 6 spots for proper rotation with this eod pinning. Was gonna do delts (never done them before), quads (my fav), and glutes. They handle gear well for me in past cycle I just always had some one do it for me. That person is not around anymore.

You'll like delts, just be sure to cross your arms so you can support your pinning hand's elbow with your other hand. Makes it far easier to remain stable and keep from jerking that needle all over the place.
I can self pin glutes at 5'8 300+. You can to. Once you have your syringe and everything loaded, you are going to lay down on your back on your bed. Decide which side you need to pin. Say you are pinning your left glute. You start out laying flat on your back, now you are going to lift your left leg straight up to be perpendicular with your right leg, now swing that left leg over your right leg so that your foot is touching your bed. Pin with your left hand. Do the opposite of everything to pin the right side. Simple
I can self pin glutes at 5'8 300+. You can to. Once you have your syringe and everything loaded, you are going to lay down on your back on your bed. Decide which side you need to pin. Say you are pinning your left glute. You start out laying flat on your back, now you are going to lift your left leg straight up to be perpendicular with your right leg, now swing that left leg over your right leg so that your foot is touching your bed. Pin with your left hand. Do the opposite of everything to pin the right side. Simple

At 5'8" @ 300lbs + and an 800+ squat, I would LOVE to see a video of you doing this :p!!!
I cant tell if we are being serious here or not :0 .

Nah feel like shit man. To be completely honest I feel like I have lost part of my identity by not being able to squat heavy now. Going from 20+ hours in the gym fucking shit up to slowly working back in as the body allows is pretty depressing. I feel like I have gone from being a BAMF to a more regular person. I mean like, maxed out im only pulling 650ish. I squatted 405 for sets of 15 tuesday but thats not really squatting. I really dont know if I want to make another run at it. Logically, my right leg will always be weaker and that acl will always tear easier and I dont want to get hurt again. Just fucks with you when you have devoted your life to something and it gives in on you. Which is why I offered the video :p. Maybe the love of other men will fill the hole from the lack of a father figure in my life...
I cant tell if we are being serious here or not :0 .

Nah feel like shit man. To be completely honest I feel like I have lost part of my identity by not being able to squat heavy now. Going from 20+ hours in the gym fucking shit up to slowly working back in as the body allows is pretty depressing. I feel like I have gone from being a BAMF to a more regular person. I mean like, maxed out im only pulling 650ish. I squatted 405 for sets of 15 tuesday but thats not really squatting. I really dont know if I want to make another run at it. Logically, my right leg will always be weaker and that acl will always tear easier and I dont want to get hurt again. Just fucks with you when you have devoted your life to something and it gives in on you. Which is why I offered the video :p. Maybe the love of other men will fill the hole from the lack of a father figure in my life...

Haha. I know how you feel. I've injured my knee before, not to your extent with a torn acl, but its still in my head as well. I catch myself making adjustments for my weaker knee. 405 for reps isn't bad considering how soon It is. Watch in the coming months as your workload increases and your knee strengthens with it. I know people who have come back from devastating knee injuries and can put a nice amount of weight of weight on their back, give yourself some time and you'll be going for PR's soon enough. I hope you have a full speedy recovery so you can put up some big numbers brother.
lol my best advice for pinning glutes by your self is use a 23 guage needle not a 25 guage needle. For the simple reason your hand is unsteady when trying to pin glutes on your own and the needle will wobble around a lot causing more PIP. So the quicker you do the injection with in reason the less wobbling the needle will do. A 25 guage takes to long to do the injection with. I would use a 23 gauge needle and try to do the injection in around 6 to 10 seconds with a steady hand. I have tried this method and It works WAY better for me.
I can self pin glutes at 5'8 300+. You can to. Once you have your syringe and everything loaded, you are going to lay down on your back on your bed. Decide which side you need to pin. Say you are pinning your left glute. You start out laying flat on your back, now you are going to lift your left leg straight up to be perpendicular with your right leg, now swing that left leg over your right leg so that your foot is touching your bed. Pin with your left hand. Do the opposite of everything to pin the right side. Simple

might just try this. @ 5'5 195 i can barely pull it off, at 200lbs+ its compleate agony with cramping and shaking once im in that twisted position over a minute. your technique is worth a shot
Ok. Appreciate all the comments. Decided to get my twist on while standing and using the mirror. Worked ok let the needle rock up and down a few times. Kind of hard not to pinning using only 1 hand. Can't wait to see how this one hurts in 12 hrs. Lol