Advice on Private Health Clinics


Not sure I posted this in the right forum, sorry if it needs to be moved.

I am a Canadian citizen, disgusted with the level of care currently available to Canadians who seek more advanced and personalized health care.

I am looking to find a high end clinic for yearly physicals, that will do EVERYTHING. I want full blood panel, screening for any/all potential cancers, heart tests, basically the full works.

I am in a position where when it comes to my health I am willing to spend a premium for premium services to ensure I will have my health as long as possible and have early notice of any potential problems.

This is not currently available in Canada and I travel down to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida almost monthly.

So my question is, are there clinics available that would do what I am requesting and can anyone recommend, or have any experience with any such clinic in or near Ft. Lauderdale, FLA.

On a sidenote I am on doctor prescribed TRT/GH which I will fully disclose to the clinic, the 'Anti-Aging' clinic which prescribed these things was only interested in selling hormones, and very irresponsible regarding potential risks or long term use so I have no interest in dealing with them for yearly physicals etc.....

Thanks for taking the time to read guys, appreciate any forthcoming answers.
If you are in Calgary check out Provital. My family doc just opened it with several other docs/specialists. Provital Health & Wellness

sadly i do not have the cash to follow him. he put me on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) just before he went to this place, so you are good on that score.
Not sure I posted this in the right forum, sorry if it needs to be moved.

I am a Canadian citizen, disgusted with the level of care currently available to Canadians who seek more advanced and personalized health care.

I am looking to find a high end clinic for yearly physicals, that will do EVERYTHING. I want full blood panel, screening for any/all potential cancers, heart tests, basically the full works.

I am in a position where when it comes to my health I am willing to spend a premium for premium services to ensure I will have my health as long as possible and have early notice of any potential problems.

This is not currently available in Canada and I travel down to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida almost monthly.

So my question is, are there clinics available that would do what I am requesting and can anyone recommend, or have any experience with any such clinic in or near Ft. Lauderdale, FLA.

On a sidenote I am on doctor prescribed TRT/GH which I will fully disclose to the clinic, the 'Anti-Aging' clinic which prescribed these things was only interested in selling hormones, and very irresponsible regarding potential risks or long term use so I have no interest in dealing with them for yearly physicals etc.....

Thanks for taking the time to read guys, appreciate any forthcoming answers.

Hey dude - Here in South Florida - Guessing you use PB Life?? They will ignore the risks and tell you everything is fine. I had the same problem that you do -I want everything done. So, I have a primary care and an endo read the reports that PB Life orders - so I have 3 opinions. I do not have a steroid friendly primary - he knows the deal, but the endo helps regardless - he knows the deal. Truthfully, get yourself an endo but your not gonna like the answers. I know you want someone to tell you heart, etc... but ANY good doctor is gonna tell you that your HEMO is high and blood too thick and you risk stroke (side effect of steroids) and that you are doing liver damage (cause your HPTA will be high). The tests that PB Life orders are pretty damn complete and cover most of what you want. As to cancer scfreening - not much you can do. As to heart test, your primary can order all those - ekg, stress. I go to HeartScan clinic (I can get you info) for a heart-scan once every 5 years. That is all you can really do. If you have high cholesterol, there is one other thing I can suggest, but truthfully the PB Life tests ARE all of the blood tests you can really get.

If you want to chat, I can help. Pm me your info
There is no ONE place that handled everything - that is why medice is so specialized. Use my 3 places and you are covered. Just pM me info and we'll chat - I can't type it out nor do I want everyone receiving my brain damage on the internet
There is no ONE place that handled everything - that is why medice is so specialized. Use my 3 places and you are covered. Just pM me info and we'll chat - I can't type it out nor do I want everyone receiving my brain damage on the internet

Thanks for the info, got your PM, very appreciated. I will be in touch this weekend.

I have already had full bloodwork after being on for 2 years and the ONLY thing that came back out of normal range was slightly thicker than normal blood.

The suggestion was that I donate blood 2-3 times a year.

I am interested in the heart testing and have a couple other questions for you, will fire you a PM.
sure - i would love to help out. Aa to the thick blood, take an 81mg aspirin every day - itll fix it immediately and is good to do anyway. ANYONE on steroids whould be doing this.
Also, make sure you are taking DHEA and Pregnonolone and, of course, lots of water. IF HEMO was the only thing out of range, and you've been going for 2 years, you are prob just fine. That is good news. YEa, its been 1.5 years for me and high HPTA and HEmo is about it.