Although I am new member here I am however not new to cycling. Ihave just joined now so that I can get some help from you guys. I am 38 years old and weigh around 170pounds. I have been training for 6 years and this is going to be my third cycle. First 2 cycles were test e and Anavar and I want to do the same again. Here is how it would look:-
Weeks 1-12 Test e 250 mgs twice a week ( Monday and Thursday)
Week 7-14 Anavar 75mgs every day
Week 3-14 HCG 300 twice a week (Tuesday and Friday)
For PCt I will start 2 weeks after last test jab and do 4 weeks of clomid and nolva, clomid at 50mgs and nolva at 20 mgs.
Both my previous cycles I had gyno scare and then I took Arimidex at .25mg every 3rd day but felt crap. I tried Aromasin in second cycle and still felt crap. I lost all my appetite for sex and felt tired. I was having mood swings and it took me a long time to start producing Sperm of the same quantity as I used to before the cycles. Please kindly help and advise what I should do.
Thanks again
Although I am new member here I am however not new to cycling. Ihave just joined now so that I can get some help from you guys. I am 38 years old and weigh around 170pounds. I have been training for 6 years and this is going to be my third cycle. First 2 cycles were test e and Anavar and I want to do the same again. Here is how it would look:-
Weeks 1-12 Test e 250 mgs twice a week ( Monday and Thursday)
Week 7-14 Anavar 75mgs every day
Week 3-14 HCG 300 twice a week (Tuesday and Friday)
For PCt I will start 2 weeks after last test jab and do 4 weeks of clomid and nolva, clomid at 50mgs and nolva at 20 mgs.
Both my previous cycles I had gyno scare and then I took Arimidex at .25mg every 3rd day but felt crap. I tried Aromasin in second cycle and still felt crap. I lost all my appetite for sex and felt tired. I was having mood swings and it took me a long time to start producing Sperm of the same quantity as I used to before the cycles. Please kindly help and advise what I should do.
Thanks again