Advice on third cycle of Test E and Anavar


New member

Although I am new member here I am however not new to cycling. Ihave just joined now so that I can get some help from you guys. I am 38 years old and weigh around 170pounds. I have been training for 6 years and this is going to be my third cycle. First 2 cycles were test e and Anavar and I want to do the same again. Here is how it would look:-
Weeks 1-12 Test e 250 mgs twice a week ( Monday and Thursday)
Week 7-14 Anavar 75mgs every day
Week 3-14 HCG 300 twice a week (Tuesday and Friday)

For PCt I will start 2 weeks after last test jab and do 4 weeks of clomid and nolva, clomid at 50mgs and nolva at 20 mgs.

Both my previous cycles I had gyno scare and then I took Arimidex at .25mg every 3rd day but felt crap. I tried Aromasin in second cycle and still felt crap. I lost all my appetite for sex and felt tired. I was having mood swings and it took me a long time to start producing Sperm of the same quantity as I used to before the cycles. Please kindly help and advise what I should do.

Thanks again
Did you ever once get blood work while you were on cycle? If not then there isn't anything we can do for you but throw guesses out every where.

I'm going to take a guess and say your Var was fake and your E2 was high because it was Dbol. Var IMO is worthless. It costs too much to get gains the deca or even Tbol can give you at over half the price.
Did you ever once get blood work while you were on cycle? If not then there isn't anything we can do for you but throw guesses out every where.

I'm going to take a guess and say your Var was fake and your E2 was high because it was Dbol. Var IMO is worthless. It costs too much to get gains the deca or even Tbol can give you at over half the price.

Thanks for the reply. I have not got blood work done as did not want the family doctor to know I'm on gear. In UK it is a little difficult to get this done. As far as var is concerned it seemed okay as did see results in form of hard myscle and vascularity. It was prochem 50mg tabs. I have tried Decca but did not take well to it.
Op you stated you did 2 previous cycles test e and var.

Then in this last ppst you said you didn't take well to deca. When did you do the deca?

With 500mg of test and 600 iu HCG a week I'll bet your going to need an AI to keep your e2 in check.
Op you stated you did 2 previous cycles test e and var.

Then in this last ppst you said you didn't take well to deca. When did you do the deca?

With 500mg of test and 600 iu HCG a week I'll bet your going to need an AI to keep your e2 in check.

I tried Decca for my second cycle. I was getting so much pain in injection site that I couldn't walk for a week every time I pinned so basically was limping in pain. Also was feeling shortness of breath with it. How would you suggest I dose my AI
A good start would be .25mg of adex EOD and adjust frI'm there. You don't want to be combating high e2 and possible gyno you want to stop these things before they happen. Like SJC said we would be guessing as to what your issue was when you felt like crap taking an AI without seeing blood work.
Should I start the Ai from day one or should I wait a couple of weeks. Are there any indications as to when I should lower Ai dosage?
It's recomended to start from day 1. Without blood work you'll be guessing as your not used to using an AI
After using one for a while and verifying with blood work it's possible to go by symptoms but there are quite a few symptoms that are the same for high and low e2.

Try googling private bloodwork in the UK I thought it was available.