Advice on Winny / cutting cycle for beginner


New member
Hi everyone.

I'm 6'5", 255, strong and built, 34 years old, been working out sporadically since I was 23, but really training seriously since July.

I've had extra around the middle pretty much since I was 12 years old. I had L5/S1 back surgery in Oct 2010 and determined to get myself in better shape, and started swimming laps 4x a week.

Then last year in July I started with a trainer and have ramped up my fitness significantly, and now train largely with kettle bells, free weights and TRX, as it's best for stabilizing and easier on my back.

I started injecting HGH in late October, 5 IU every other day, and have noticed myself getting faster and leaner, and recovery time is also picking up significantly. My shoulders are much wider and bigger and I notice my figure looking lankier overall.

I also picked up some Clen while in Mexico and am just finishing up my first two weeks, and it's been great. I've been working out 6 days a week and feeling amazing. Will start an EC stack tomorrow on my 2 weeks off before starting up Clen again. I picked up Synthroid/T4 while in Mexico but it gave me really bad, incurable heartburn, and I'm a bit freaked out by that. Might try T3 instead. t

However, no matter how strict I am with diet, this extra layer on top of my whole body never seems to reduce, and the back fat is particularly impossible - and it is really hard to get cut muscle tone, being such a big guy, so I'm convinced I will need a cutting cycle to get where I want. Crash diets are impossible for me, so I've started on a healthy diet provided by my trainer that is balanced and reasonable, but not out of control (I won't do anything that requires zero carbs, or zero sugar, etc., it's impossible to follow and only results in my eating a box of cookies at 1am).

I've done some reading on various sites and what I've concocted is something like this:

WEEKS 1-11: HGH, 4.5 IU every other day (I have Serostim now which is 18 IU / vial, so that is 4 doses / vial)
WEEKS 1- 6: Winstrol 50mg Every Other Day
WEEKS 1- 8: Testosterone Propionate 50mg Every Other Day
WEEKS 1- 8: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 300-500iu Every 5 days
WEEKS 1-10: Clenbuterol 40-80 mcg for 14 days, then off; EC stack in between
WEEK 9: 40mg Nolva/100mg Clomid Every Day
WEEK 10: 30mg Nolva/ 50mg Clomid Every Day
WEEK 11: 20mg Nolva/ 50mg Clomid Every Day

Let me know if somehow this is all ass backwards or if I might be going in the right direction. Yes I know, diet diet diet. but...... trust me. I am dieting my ass off ! !

Also the other really annoying part of it is, I have great cardio fitness at this point, and can run on treadmills really well - but man, it kills my back. So the best way to burn fat, I can't really do. Best I can do is trash the elliptical for an hour.

Thanks in advance for any comments.