Advice please after anavar !!


New member
Hi I was wondering if you could give me your advice please , I took 6 weeks off an only anavar cycle 50mg a day then upto 100mg then back down to 50mg , I now know this was the wrong thing to do after abit off research , my question is now I have come off a few week later I am having weak errections , obviously down to the low test in my body , I have been taking clomid for just under 2 week but jot sure if this will work from what i read , at 100mg per day , if you could tell me what you would recommend to get back to normal , few people said go back onto to some test based cycle and then come back off proper ...some say let body recover on it own . I am unsure what now to do , if you could give me your thoughts would be greatful , I am 85kg 6ft 12% bf thanks :)
Hi I was wondering if you could give me your advice please , I took 6 weeks off an only anavar cycle 50mg a day then upto 100mg then back down to 50mg , I now know this was the wrong thing to do after abit off research , my question is now I have come off a few week later I am having weak errections , obviously down to the low test in my body , I have been taking clomid for just under 2 week but jot sure if this will work from what i read , at 100mg per day , if you could tell me what you would recommend to get back to normal , few people said go back onto to some test based cycle and then come back off proper ...some say let body recover on it own . I am unsure what now to do , if you could give me your thoughts would be greatful , I am 85kg 6ft 12% bf thanks :)

Post this in the AAS side of the forum. This is the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) section. They will help u with a post cycle therapy (pct). And do yourself a favor and have labs run.
Help after anavar please !!

Hi I was wondering if you could give me your advice please , I took 6 weeks off an only anavar cycle 50mg a day then upto 100mg then back down to 50mg , I now know this was the wrong thing to do after abit off research , my question is now I have come off a few week later I am having weak errections , obviously down to the low test in my body , I have been taking clomid for just under 2 week but jot sure if this will work from what i read , at 100mg per day , if you could tell me what you would recommend to get back to normal , few people said go back onto to some test based cycle and then come back off proper ...some say let body recover on it own . I am unsure what now to do , if you could give me your thoughts would be greatful , I am 85kg 6ft 12% bf thanks :) x
Seems like your doing the right thing by taking post cycle therapy (pct). I did the same thing awhile back and encountered the same issue. Best thing to do is just let your body recover bro. It took me a little while (maybe 4-6 weeks). I also jumped on some enzyte and yohimbe. That's right smiling Bob. Lol. I was desperate and needed my hard dick back. It worked for me but everyone is different. Jumping on a test cycle would help foraure and almost instantly get it back. Totally your call but like I said I just let mine recover.
Don't go back on test it will only set you further back. You need to get your natural levels back and stay off for a while before taking anything or you run the risk of fucking your hpta.
just stay on clomid for 5 weeks.. drop down to 50mg a day.. you'll be fine