New member
I have aromasin and prami on hand and I also have sal palmetto for my prostate, Hawthorne Berry for my blood pressure and red yeast rice for my cholesterol and milk thistle for my liver
Honestly I really wanna bulk in September so I just might be doing 350 of deca, 500 of test e a week, I eat clean all year round, want go gain 20+ lbs... I gained 12 with test my first cycle. Didn't know is if I should do this cycle. Do I definitely need hcg with this cycle? Or my normal out is ok Clomid 100/100/50/50 nolvadex 20/20/20/20
The last cycle I did with just test e I did not use hcg and kept all of my gains, and here we are a year later and still retained the gains and more.. That's the only reason why I was asking. I have no problem getting hcg or using it but I was just wondering
So being that this will be your second cycle Id only run two compounds and I would also leave out Masteron. This is by far my favorite compound but there are much better options when it comes to compounds to bulk on ie: Deca, as already mentioned. One thing to note about Masteron--it doesnt take place of an AI.
Since HCG had already been mentioned, if youre going to be cycling on and off steroids, regardless if youre running a 19nor compound, then I would use HCG. HCG doesnt stimulate Test production, lh or fsh. It mimics lh, and in doing this prevents--somewhat--your testes from atrophying alowing for a smoother recovery.
What dose did you run your Test at last cycle?
I ran it at 500 a week 250 split twice a week... If I do run deca I want to run it at 350 mg split 175 twice and I'm going to run test at 500 as I did last year with my first cycle... Also u did have aromasin on cycle but didn't get any sides whatsoever
Something to keep in mind as well. You can always do just a Test oly cycle again. Just up the dose. 500 last time, 750 this time. And use an AI. You need it. Testosterone will arromatize whether you can see it or feel it or not. And at a certain point you will see it and feel it.