Advise neded -Time between cycles - Anavar to Test E+ Anavar


New member
First of all , hello to the entire community. First post , so please excuse my lack of details (if i forgot to provide any) and my english (not my first language)

The question: How much time should i wait after Oxandrolon + Proviron (mesterolone) cycle before starting a second cycle with Test E + Oxandrolone ?

Now the details:

Age :29 going to 30 years old
Height: 1.77 cm
Weight: 78 Kg
BodyFat: ~12-13%

Long story short: my first cycle was Oxandrolon + Proviron (mesterolone) + dieting -6 weeks - just to reduce body fat from 22% to curentlly 12-13%.( this was whithout cardio - no cardio exercises - just lifting)
Cycle description:
1st week - 50 mg/day
2nd week - 60 mg/day
3rd week - 70 mg/day
4th-5th-6th - 70 mg/day
Oxandrolone and Proviron(mesterolone) from Balkan and Hilma Biocare.

At this moment i am in the last week of this cycle - i will go for PCT at least for 21 days with - Tamoxifen and Clomid.(just for safety)

I put on a little mass - i look better than in high school.Was thinking to put a little more mass , while keeping the body fat as low as possible - about 10% would be perfect for me. So for the next cycle i was thinking about Test E only + Oxandrolone at the same time ( Test E for 12 Weeks and Oxandrolone for 6 weeks)

Any suggestions/thoughts are welcome.
I did bloodwork before starting the cycle, everything OK . Tested for Colesterol total , LDL, HDL, estrogen and testosteron + free Testosteron - all values ok for my age ( if i find them i will upp them here) . Now i plan to test the same values after PCT , to see if all levels reached normal threshold.( still have this week plus PCT until doing the bloodwork again , so that will be about 1 month plus)

Also what i forgot in the first post - beside the Oxandrolone doses, each day Proviron dose was 50mg (splitted in 2 x 25 mg)