Advise on TRT Administering


New member
Hey guys. I am 20 y/o and have been placed on TRT I have a 84 level on a scale 380-1200. My doctor prescribed me 200mg/ml Cypionate once every 2 weeks. From my experience I know that doing it more often will be better as the highs/lows will not be as bad. SO my plan is to do it twice per week 50mg per injection. Same result as 200mg every 2 weeks.

My dilemma is all the talk about subqutaneous vs IM. I do not understand it. I use either 1-1.5inch needles around 24 gauge. I have no problem with needle size or pain. My concern is over, does injecting IM twice per week vs SubQ twice per week yield different or better results? I get the understanding IM is using a 1.5inc needle and going down deeper and sub Q is using a shorter needle and ijecting into the fattier part. Is it okay to switch up like one day do butt and use 1inch needle, next time use 1.5inch needle and do leg, next time do 1inch needle in leg? I just want to make sure it will all be absorbed. Thanks guys.
IM or subq is a matter of preference. Most guys prefer IM as you get lumps under your skin when you inject an oil subq.

If you do IM, 1" is usually long enough of a needle unless you are very fat. Just rotate sites. I personally use my delts. Quads and ventroglutes. So that makes for 6 injection sites.
Okay thanks. SO it isnt going to matter in the long run where I inject bc it will all be absorbed? That was my only worry is switching spots and needle sized might cause my levels to flucuate too much
Absorption will not matter with your plan. 50 mg twice per week is 100 mg weekly, which should work well will cypyonates half life.
I do 100mg every week subcutane and for me it's working better then 200mg/w with no feelable ups and downs.
What I've found out: Lumps under the skin are only present if you use the wrong ester.
I was ever wondering about this writings, because never had such things with subcutane. But last time I had inject Omnadren and yes, have had a heavy lump from it what I can still feel. o_O
With Enanthate I had never such things and after injection never to find, where I have injected... is all smooth.
I will test it with an other enanthate product next time and hoping it's also good for sc usage. :)
What I was using in the past and also now is Testosterone Depo.
I do 100mg every week subcutane and for me it's working better then 200mg/w with no feelable ups and downs.
What I've found out: Lumps under the skin are only present if you use the wrong ester.
I was ever wondering about this writings, because never had such things with subcutane. But last time I had inject Omnadren and yes, have had a heavy lump from it what I can still feel. o_O
With Enanthate I had never such things and after injection never to find, where I have injected... is all smooth.
I will test it with an other enanthate product next time and hoping it's also good for sc usage. :)
What I was using in the past and also now is Testosterone Depo.

How can you not feel a lump after you inject? Even for a little bit? I can feel them even after I inject 0.2ml of water-based hCG subcutaneously. It goes away within a few hours, but oils would take longer to dissipate.
No, not Enanthate so it seems. I have trouble to find it and have 4 points where I'm rotating on my belly around the button.
Only Omnadren, what seems to be a thicker oil was very hard and very long feelable (I would think 4 weeks now).
Watery HCG could be, it is a allergic reaction? Or you don't have enough fat reserves and you feel it in that reason. But 0.2ml is damn low amount and it must be another reason for this bump.
I was inject a time little syringes of drug against thrombosis after an accident and this also was a watery stuff at ca 0.5ml I think. There I also had no feelable lumps.

More bad, I would think, is it to inject intra muscular. There you don't feel the bumps, but the health of the muscles is a bigger thing for me as an little bump on belly or other places on body (also arms and legs are ok for sc).
It' svery easy to do and so also a good alternative for people who not like long needles in her muscles. ;)
I will continue to report about my results. :)
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Not an allergic reaction. I can feel the bubble right under the skin. It fills up as I inject. If you don't feel anything I suspect that you are actually doing an IM injection. What size needle are you using and how deep are you putting it?

IM injections will not damage your muscles if you rotate sites.

I would suggest that you use more than just around your belly button as a site. For example, diabetics get scar tissue over time. You will too.
I have a bit more belly so it could be, it is so soft, that I can't feel the bubble so right because of bigger fat cells.
But yes, I feel, there is any stuff more in the tissue, but no really clear hard spot, only a thickening in the tissue which is't feelable after any days.
SC seems to be more good for people with a bit more fat. ;)
I can't feel any scares in the areas where I have inject several times. Absolute no problems so far.
I'm using insulin syringes with short thin needle and it's no more then 1cm under the skin.

I have read that muscles are scaring after any years of IM injections. It isn't so?
Also the danger to stab a artery or vein or a important nerve is avoid with SC. On MI I'm every time a bit fearful.
IM DIY isn't a thing for everyone. ;)

On diabetes could be, because they are injecting several tims per day and I think it's more the scare from the needle itself. On TRT I need this only one time per week.
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