after a cycle ... baseline values


New member
Hey guys , so im just wondering , after a cycle of test e , long long does it take for someone to usually drop down to baseline values . Also , what other things can possibly still be elevated and above normal until your body comes back to normal pre-cycle state ... for example hematocrit , maybe estrogen , myostatin maybe ? are there other things that may not be in normal ranges and how long until your body resumes proper function assuming u do a proper pct ?
Hey guys , so im just wondering , after a cycle of test e , long long does it take for someone to usually drop down to baseline values . Also , what other things can possibly still be elevated and above normal until your body comes back to normal pre-cycle state ... for example hematocrit , maybe estrogen , myostatin maybe ? are there other things that may not be in normal ranges and how long until your body resumes proper function assuming u do a proper pct ?

Post PCT recovery is going to vary from person to person. If the individual's HPTA is still healthy, it could be only a couple months afterwards. HCT and free test will remain elevated for some time as those depend on the liver, spleen, and SHBG to do their thing.

Not a clue on myostatin, as I don't even know how AAS has an impact on it fully. I'm still waiting on science to figure that bad boy out more before I get really excited about learning more.

HOWEVER, there is no guarantee on test and estradiol. Some recover quickly, some don't recover at all - but that's a better question for the new resident doctor in the house. :)
I would think exogenous test levels and estrogen would be cleared by 5-6 weeks after last inj, the other sides such as rbc, hemotocrit and liver values may take another month or two to normalize,
Hence time on equals time off.
Heavy cycles and duration will also affect these issues
Hey guys , so im just wondering , after a cycle of test e , long long does it take for someone to usually drop down to baseline values . Also , what other things can possibly still be elevated and above normal until your body comes back to normal pre-cycle state ... for example hematocrit , maybe estrogen , myostatin maybe ? are there other things that may not be in normal ranges and how long until your body resumes proper function assuming u do a proper pct ?

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