after a month of conteplating my next cycles i!!


I am banned!
Just finnished my banger of 1gtren 1.5g test.. 700mg mast and finnidhed off with 200mcgclen last 6weeks 2weeks on 2 off as i tapered all others down and started adding.cyp for cruise

My budget permits so i stocked n.still am.stocking

Right now im.cruising at 300test e and 300test cyp til oct 1st.. Started adding that 2 weeks ago

So oct 10 ill start

Oct 10-dec10
Sus 1000mg a week
Npp 500 a week
Anavar dose will be determined
Also igf1 lr3 dose will be dtermined
Proviron dose determined

From dec15-jan 15 ill ramp back up the cyp too 800mg a week due to it will still be active from the sus

Jan 15-march15
Cyp 250 aweek
Tren e 600 a week
Mast e 600 a week
Igf1 lr3 dose to be determined

March 25- may 5th "cruise"
Cyp 250 aweek
Test e 250 a week
Prop 50 eod
Igf1 lr3

May 10-july??
Prop 400 a week
Mast p 400 a week
Tren 700 a week
Primbo 500 a week

Certain things may change.accordingly due to sponserships and compititions im going.for only advice id like is for the igf1 lr3... Ive ran.humalin r and humalog before not.igf1 lr3.. If you check .previous post.from me i was thinking about having gh but since then ive changed my mind since.i already spent about 3k on this cycle.. And i just.moved apartments so.that was another 4k NY haha but anyhow.igf i hear is good.. I have piles upon piles of clomid, nolva, adex,prami,caber, torem, proviron,
monster cycle.... hopefully youll be doing a log... definatly interested in following...

I too am interested in igf-1 lr3.. and considering when I start in oct

but best of luck with everything and I hope all goes well
I was originally looking into gh then i spent 3grand on this cycle.. So i figured instead of spending another 1400 on gh i can just buy igf1 for 450 n run it in increments throuout each cycle but i switch it around.. With the sus npp in oct im.throwing the primo in n taking the var out.. Soni can utlize the var during my cruise.. To.maintain.lean muscle.. And right now.i ramped it up 750 test e and 750 cyp as a blast til sus starts in oct....then the march.maycruise ill also throw in test e 250 as well.. Ill start a log with it.. Right dsy one of the 750 test combo n 200mcg clen.. I weigh 215.. my last cycle 8%bf.. Ill prob go to 11%bf before npp
so.i the tren test mast 5weeks ago.. been.ramped up on a tt cyp n e combined for 1.5g.. for the last 3 weeks im up 7lbs.. i know it can possibly be some water weight cnt tell yrt if.musclemas is added due to ive been on.cycle since the spring hah.. but will taper down the test week by week before starting the sus,npp, primo in a october.. will add winnie last4weeks.of this cruise to dry me out a little.. then sus npp primo about6weeks.into that proviron and tren e will be added.. then.ill stop npp on week 11 or 12.. i have avry intricate system going.on with tspering.n adding.compounds n am hsrd to explain.. i.might.make a chart guys.. but this cycle will last til sept or year while i already been on since april.. year and a half cycle then i will hcg the fuck out for like a month at the end before going back on.. yes im timer now.. i have 2 kids already now.i got a ton.of.shows i will i.will find a better way of to.understand and will.contimue logg
I got u.. Ill do once a month progress pic.. Ill post one up that was directly after the tren mast prop cycle before entering the long ester cruise
Ok still have not figured out how pix on this phoner have been taking.pix tho.. But as far as the cycle.. About 4 and half weeks into this.. New blast 12 lbs up.. The bf% still low.. Added Winstrol (winny) last week.. Starting to feel it in my hips.. Wrist n elbows now!! Will start npp in about 2 weeks.. At the premiere of generstion iron.. Everyone said im.looking huge.. Very satisfied with those comments... Stregnth remains arounf the same.. But the pumps sre extreme.. I have a pump all day..hurts eith some workouts!! Kept vascularity.. Veins spiderwebbing from abs up the chest to the anterior deltoids.. Minor dandriff is starting.. Not sure since its cold n dry in NY or cuz the Winstrol (winny) but yes ill keep u posted.. If anyone can.figure out the pix situstion u will get up to date pix as well!!..
6.5 weeks of the.test and.winnie.. Up 15lbs.. Took.1st shot.of.primbone wed.. mind guys ive been on.cycles.since the early spring and had yet to since the spring.. Last year i only had a 3month break jan feb march.. And my next break.will come nov 2014 .. Just simply running test year round n throwing different substances in and out thru out the year!!!!!!

Now starting wed
Npp 500wk
Sus 1000wk
Primbolone 600wk
Proviron starts 3rd week.after npp injection to.prevent.lost.of.libido
Alongside prami and aromison

Theae additions will.last 10 weeks.. The primbolone will last 14..

Then xmas day.. I will start my test e 500wk.. Mast e 800 wk.. Tren e 800 a week.. With more.winnie..

That is leading on spring.cycle.of prop 1g wk.. Mast p.. And tren ace!! From spring thru sept.. Do about 4-5 months of.those substances.. Yes i.keep adjudting.n.moving stuff around here n.their.but the basic.stay the.same.. Hope to weight to 255 in the winter.. Then contest weight of 230 for stage!!!.. Im 240!!