after workout carbs


New member
just wondering if anyone has every used waxy maize before? I just need easy access to carbs after working out, thoughts?
What I do post workout is protein shake and a Gatorade then a whole food meal about 45min-1 hour later.
Why do you need easy access to carbs after your workout? Are you going to be working out again later in the day?

maybe because it has been proven in the sport of bodybuilding to produce the biggest bodybuilders. all the big boys have been doing this for decades, doesn't matter if u can make due with out them, the point is to be in the most optimum state possible for growth to occur. do u have to have them? no probably not, u could probably get by with aminos(especially luecine, a primary anabolic trigger that will help keep u out of a catholic state post workout)and protein.

like i said previously to you and those other guys, post up some pics, we can compare you or any of ur friends that use this diet u speak of and then compare it to me, we will see whos diet is producing better results;)
just wondering if anyone has every used waxy maize before? I just need easy access to carbs after working out, thoughts?

waxy maize is alright, its been around for a long time, but i believe there are better products out now, like karbolyn for example, its made from potatoes so i believe it is a bit higher quality than corn products like waxy maize