Again, 1st cycle. Any input appreciated

Well, everything as far as aas goes, shuts you down no matter the dose. Even test shuts down your natural production. This is why test is the base for all cycles in men. Men need test to function like men. As far as the golden era of bodybuilding goes, I wouldn't exactly say all those guys are fine. A lot has changed in 30+ years for the better. There are safer ways of using gear. You've posted a lot that is broscience based. To post some controversial things and then to add no negative feedback isn't a healthy way to start a thread. You said yourself that you never used gear before so you have no experience to base anything off of. I would suggest to have a more open mind and to research studies and what not and leave the research on "what that guy said" where it is. There are a couple sticky threads you should give a read. Stonecold has a thread on 300mgs of test vs 600mgs. Then the ology faq's thread. There is a lot of good info that covers everything you need to know before you start your cycle. Have a look and post up when your done...
I suppose you can do things the old fashion way, but I'd recommend doing things the current way with 500mg and PCT.

You already know what we are gonna tell you, you just told it back to us. Please log your cycle and after cycle recovery, it'll be interesting to compare your old school cycle with the modern cycle.

wish you luck.
I suppose you can do things the old fashion way, but I'd recommend doing things the current way with 500mg and PCT.

You already know what we are gonna tell you, you just told it back to us. Please log your cycle and after cycle recovery, it'll be interesting to compare your old school cycle with the modern cycle.

wish you luck.

Thanks so much for fast replies, guys. If my knowledge is "broscience", then I have read too many posts. This is the fucking trap, I'm telling you. I just asked for advice and told you the way I see it. Nothing wrong with that? This is exactly why I am telling you I am lost in information. I repeat: I AM LOST IN INFORMATION.
Sure, I could go with 500 test a week. And I will probably end up with test one way or the other. THE POINT IS I have done my research; it doesn't help me any further. That's the whole point of the post.

I have read the stickies. And I am aware that we have come a long way in 30 years. But that doesn't mean we are heading in the right direction now does it? There are SO many different opinions on cycles, pct and what have you. I just wanted you guys to chime in on what YOU would do on your 1st one.

And thanks! Much appreciated.
And I am truly sorry if I posted something controversial and/or negative. This really wasn't my intention at all. I am a humble person and I apologize if i appeared ...... Negative.
I would follow the advice in the ology faq's thread. It's tried and true. Yes, we have come along way in 30 years! We've come a long way since I signed up here! The info is valuable and backed up by studies not broscience. It's put down so you could understand it very easy...
You sound like you've made up your mind to do something that isn't advised. I guess the only real way for you to know is if you experience it yourself. I know I did it the bone headed, hard headed way but that was because I just didn't have the knowledge back then. If I only knew
And I am truly sorry if I posted something controversial and/or negative. This really wasn't my intention at all. I am a humble person and I apologize if i appeared ...... Negative.

I get where your coming from. Starting your first cycle can be overwhelming to say the least. I may have interpreted your post in a different way then it was intended. Some will post things on here and be very stubborn when a member tries to help them out. They view it as being "negative".. I also understand there is a lot of bullshit all over the Internet. To tell you that what I'm saying isn't bullshit to you is also understandable. You don't know me so I get that. I encourage you to research a ton so that you yourself will understand how everything works and then you will be able to weed out the bullshit a little easier...
If I were to do it over, the only thing I would change about my first cycle would have been my choice in AI. I used aromasin, and it's pretty tricky to dose just right as a noob. Adex I find much easier and more forgiving.

my first was 500 mg a week of test E, bloods showed 4300 ng/dl

My 12 week cycle was followed with a conventional 4 week nolva clomid PCT

It was a fantastic first cycle, my workouts were amazing and my diet was spot on. gained 20 and kept 10 of it after I dropped all the water weight.

3 months after PCT my test level was higher than precycle.

I didn't have any problems recovering until I tried a deca cycle, that cycle put my numbers down hard and I made the choice to cruise. Keep that in mind if you try deca, that stuff lingers with you after PCT
Ok, thanks again! From the top of my head - should arimidex be in my cycle or only if gyno shows itself, since it's an AI? Stupid question, but I am having insomnia and unable to think straight.

I will put that deca to use later. Is it necessary to pct with both nolva and clomid? I thought thr consensus was clomid alone.

Thanks in advance.

Also, in the 300 vs 600 test thread, there seem to be less sides and better numbers on the charts with 600. I don't quite get that.
Use your AI from day one and adjust accordingly after mid cycle bloodwork. Using when gyno shows itself is like putting on a condom after you already got her pregnant
There is a host of possible side effects with you estrogen being high or low. So as said BW is a must.

Now you as you were told Arimidex or another AI is to be used from day 1 (One). Simple Simon when you introduce exogenous testosterone to your system and raise your level so will your estrogen level rise to some degree. this is true for EVERYONE.

So Gyno is not the only problem:
Low Estrogen Side Effects:

- Osteoporosis (weakened bones) ; (long-term low levels)
- Poor sex drive
- Fatigue
- Lethargy
- Skin quality diminishes
- Depression
- Poor sense of wellbeing & poor quality of life

High Estrogen Side Effects:

- Gynecomastia
- Anxiety & panic attacks
- Depression
- Erectile dysfunction
- Water retention
- High blood pressure
- Loss of balance/instability/dizziness
- Respiratory related concerns
- Irritability
- Low libido
- Insomnia
- Prostate related issues
- Crying like a little girl and being emotional all the time

If you notice any of these sides and you are not taking you AI you then have to overcome them. Gyno !!!! reverse instead of prevention. When I work on a roof I tie my safety lie off first before I notice I'm falling.

Why the need for Test w/every cycle. I'll put that in a simple explanation your body produces Test and you are shutting it down and your body needs TEST it runs on test and your body wants it so it can work with the other hormones.

Is your Deca 300mg x 2 wk ? because what I have EXPERIENCED as well as it is written and others will tell you Deca needs to be run at 600mg or so min 500mg .

That's my 2c
Ok, thanks again guys! Deca needs to be run that high? I had the impression most people gained from a mere 200 mg/week. This is what the internet does: it misinforms, and one have to ask these questions to get them right. Even then, it's not guaranteed they are right....

The conclusion has to be that I have to use trial and error - but I highly appreciate your replies.

Do I need to take any precautions regarding my bipolarity? I use Lamictal for mood swings and Remeron for sleep.

I have had this all my life, so it's not that big of a deal, just wanted to know if any of you know first hand.
A therapeutic dose can be run at 200mg but if it's maximizing your gains it needs to be run at higher doses