Agree or disagree: Self-esteem issues


New member
1. Do people with low self-esteem end up going to the gym to build up their bodies?
2.Those with the highest self-esteem are the least fit and most indebted people on Earth.
I don't follow your purpose for the post / thread ? Just a conversation started I presume ? :wavey:

BUT at any rate, 1. I have High Self-esteem and I do not go to the gym for that reason or need.
2. I pride myself that I can fit and get along with any group of people. High class, wealthy, low class, lower income people etc... etc...
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Both/and as well as neither. Self esteem = Self worth I am a walking contradiction. On inside I see myself as an individual singularity/self conscious being. On the other side I'm relatively irrelevant. I lift with the intention of violence. My goals are aligned in general to be lifting 225 bench and squat as well as 300lb deadlift. I can pick up almost any male I might have a confrontation with. I'm secure in my persons, skills, intelligence and have a self worth. I feel more pride as my lifts go up. I seperate pride from self-esteem I guess. We are all equally star dust and maggot shit. My value as a person is there until I give it away. Pride is in accomplishments. What drives us is very complex and absolutes usually don't last.
Both/and as well as neither. Self esteem = Self worth I am a walking contradiction. On inside I see myself as an individual singularity/self conscious being. On the other side I'm relatively irrelevant. I lift with the intention of violence. My goals are aligned in general to be lifting 225 bench and squat as well as 300lb deadlift. I can pick up almost any male I might have a confrontation with. I'm secure in my persons, skills, intelligence and have a self worth. I feel more pride as my lifts go up. I seperate pride from self-esteem I guess. We are all equally star dust and maggot shit. My value as a person is there until I give it away. Pride is in accomplishments. What drives us is very complex and absolutes usually don't last.

Hey :elephant: .... ha I like that ^^^ :)
1. Do people with low self-esteem end up going to the gym to build up their bodies?
2.Those with the highest self-esteem are the least fit and most indebted people on Earth.

Do you go to the gym? Just curious. This post seems odd. I would imagine that most any human who takes an interest in their health, would also take offense to this post. Hi self esteem = fat unhealthy slob? Lol.
The overwhelming majority of gymgoers are trying to live healthier and happier......perhaps even longer lives. Some are trying to build lots of muscle for a wide variety of reasons. There is truly too much here to discuss. I will simply answer...DISAGREE. low self esteem is far more likely to result in lack of motivation to go to the gym or be fit. Whereas hi self esteem is more likely to go even further to be better, live longer, live stronger, and enjoy their life.
My answer is based on definition of conditions more than personal experience.
Personally, I do my best dieting and working out when my self esteem is at its highest. Pretty sure that's the case for most who work hard in the gym. Seems it would be difficult to work hard for your health if you assigned health no value (low self esteem).
If anything.......the opposite would be more likely to hold truth.

Either way.....thanks for making me think this morning :)
I attack workouts when I'm feeling good. I want muscle failure. When I'm feeling less secure or down on myself I will have to fight the voice "you can only bench that 5 times." One workout is to thrive. One is to survive.
I attack workouts when I'm feeling good. I want muscle failure. When I'm feeling less secure or down on myself I will have to fight the voice "you can only bench that 5 times." One workout is to thrive. One is to survive.

I think we have fallen into a trap here. This stinks of troll I think. Might as well go onto a bodybuilding forum and say DO YOU THINK BODYBUILDERS HIT THE GYM BECAUSE THEY HAVE A SMALL PENIS?

I would find that statement equally as ridiculous and offensive. The statement is far too all encompassing. Sure......some bodybuilders have low self esteem or a small penis but many more are average or above in both self esteem and penis size.
My vote is troll.
something that does my head in is that many bodybuilders do steroids and dont do their homework and end up screwing up their E2, testosterone, prolactin levels etc. and thus end up with a limp penis and have to take viagra to get mr. Winky up again but then have to deal with the sides etc.
something that does my head in is that many bodybuilders do steroids and dont do their homework and end up screwing up their E2, testosterone, prolactin levels etc. and thus end up with a limp penis and have to take viagra to get mr. Winky up again but then have to deal with the sides etc.

Yep some / many of them screw up like that. This is why we like the guys who have experienced the unwanted sides as well as life long dysfunctional ED and Anorgasmia to man up , stand up and tell your stories so others can learn.

I tell ya some of us OLD school guys like myself were and are VERY lucky to have had NO life long problems. Ha ha LOL but guys I gotta warn ya when you are still cycling at an age over 65 you have to work with the Gear's unwanted sides at the same time of fighting some older age natural sexual problems.

I tell you I LOVE my Cialis .... gotta keep the little guy UP and awake upon the call of duty :elephant:
Yep some / many of them screw up like that. This is why we like the guys who have experienced the unwanted sides as well as life long dysfunctional ED and Anorgasmia to man up , stand up and tell your stories so others can learn.

I tell ya some of us OLD school guys like myself were and are VERY lucky to have had NO life long problems. Ha ha LOL but guys I gotta warn ya when you are still cycling at an age over 65 you have to work with the Gear's unwanted sides at the same time of fighting some older age natural sexual problems.

I tell you I LOVE my Cialis .... gotta keep the little guy UP and awake upon the call of duty :elephant:

I already struggle at times. You guys offer help and I appreciate every one of you......thank you. Love you guys! Thanks for the help