

New member
I read somewhere that your testosteron level lowers when your drink alcohol. My question is that if I do that can I increase mij testosteron level to my normal level by taking a product like unleashed (or an other product that raises the testosteron level)?
what is a normal level. it differs from person to person. if you think alcohol is lowering your test levels then dont drink. save money on not buying alcohol and not having to buy supps.

brilliant idea sherlock.
Supps wont help it back.
But how serious are you about youre training? Answer that and youll have the answer to youre real question, if u can or cant drink.
Do you really drink so often that you want to supplement to make yourself feel better about drinking?

First of these have no source credits as they were not posted where I found them:

The Effects Of Alcohol

Although small amounts of alcohol have been shown to increase muscular endurance and strength output, these benefits are very short-lived. After approximately twenty minutes, problems begin to occur.

The numerous negative side effects of alcohol undoubtedly outweigh its possible benefits to anyone. Since alcohol is a toxin (poison), a host of physical abnormalities can arise. These abnormalities can reduce your strength, endurance, recovery capabilities, aerobic capacity, ability to metabolize fat, and muscle growth.

Alcohol can also affect your nervous system and brain. With long-term alcohol use, a severe deterioration of your central nervous system is possible. With short-term use, nerve-muscle interaction can be reduced, resulting in a loss of strength.

Other dangerous effects include reduced eye-hand coordination and balance, longer periods required for recovery, and less efficient healing of injuries. Alcohol has been responsible for a number of sexual dysfunctions including loss of libido, reduced sperm formation, menstrual irregularities, and shrinkage of sexual organs.

When alcohol reaches the muscle cells, it can cause damage to them. An inflammation of the muscle cells is common among alcohol users. When alcohol consumption is practiced for a long time, some of these damaged cells can die, resulting in less functional muscle contractions. In any event, the alcohol will leave you with more muscle soreness following training, thereby requiring additional time for recuperation.

Alcohol’s effects on the heart and circulatory systems are numerous. You can experience a reduction in your endurance capacities when you drink alcohol, especially in large quantities. When consuming alcoholic beverages your heat loss increases, because alcohol stimulates your blood vessels to dilate. This heat loss can cause your muscles to get cold and, as a result, become slower and weaker during contractions.

In addition, alcohol can cause several gastric, digestive and nutritional irregularities. This drug causes a release of insulin that will in turn increase the metabolism of glycogen, thereby sparing fat, resulting in more difficult fat loss. Since alcohol consumption can interfere with the absorption of many nutrients, it is possible to become anemic, and deficient in the B vitamins.
Because your liver is the organ that detoxifies alcohol, the more alcohol you consume, the harder your liver has to work. This additional stress on your liver can damage and even destroy some liver cells.

Since alcohol acts as a diuretic, large amounts of alcohol can place undue stress on your kidneys. With a diuretic action, large amounts of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) are secreted. This can result in elevated water retention, something no athlete can afford to have happen.

Alcohol is not advisable for athletes. Its effects on strength, reaction time, skill and heart function are less than desirable. In fact, alcohol is not a nutritional source of energy, even though it contains seven calories per gram. Alcohol’s potential for causing mental deterioration is great, with numerous physiological abnormalities very possible.
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Red's Teen Bodybuilding

As bodybuilders, our bodies are our lives. We eat right throughout the week, get plenty of rest, drink lots of water, stay as healthy as possible, and of course, workout. We put all these efforts into ourselves throughout the week, but on weekends we drink like fish and get shit faced. I used to drink heavily on party nights too, until a couple weeks ago when I realized just how much getting drunk was hurting my gains. I'm hoping that after you've read this article, for those of you that drink, you will see just how detrimental alcohol is to building muscle and hopefully cut down on drinking.

Alcohol is empty calories. It doesn't have any nutrients, but does have a caloric value of 7 calories per gram. In just one shot (1.5oz) of 80 proof vodka there's nearly 100 calories. For those of you trying to lose fat, forget it if you are drinking. Not only will the high calorie content of alcohol have a negative effect on your total calorie intake, but it also slows down your metabolism by disrupting the Kreb's cycle. Since the Kreb's cycle isn't working correctly, fats cannot be broken down. In short, your body is trying so hard to digest and metabolize the alcohol, that fat burning stops all together.

Alcohol consumption also hurts muscle growth. Not only due to hangovers lowering your workout intensity, but it actually lowers protein synthesis by 20%. Twenty percent! There are several reasons why it does this. For one, it dehydrates your muscle cells. As many know, hydrated and even over hydrated muscles (like when you take creatine) allows for a much higher anabolic environment. Because your cells aren't holding as much water, it becomes much harder to build muscle. The second reason why alcohol can severely hurt muscle growth is because it blocks the absorption of many important nutrients that are key to muscle contraction, relaxation and growth including calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and potassium.

OK, so I above I lied, there's actually a third way that alcohol slows down protein synthesis, I just wanted to dedicate a big part of this article to it. For those of you that don't already know this, ALCOHOL LOWERS TESTOSTERONE AND INCREASES ESTROGEN! Yes, you read that right. In one particular study, men's testosterone levels were measured before and after consumption of alcohol. At the most intoxicated state, testosterone levels had dropped to an average of 25% lower. It was also interesting to note, that when blood alcohol levels were the highest, testosterone was at its lowest. Alcohol has also been shown to cause a quicker aromatization of androgens into estrogens, which would explain why heavy drinkers often get gynecomastria (bitch tits) over a period of time. For those of you taking andro (and I'm sure you already know my views on andro) I would absolutely avoid alcohol since you already are in risk for gynecomastria with the high androgen levels in your blood. By drinking, you are further putting yourself in risk for aromatization. We should also note, that in a study done with rats, alcohol reduced Insulin like Growth Hormone-1 (IGF-1) by up to 42%. That's a huge drop in IGF-1.

One thing I found unusual due to the drop in testosterone while drinking is that most guys get really horny. Beyond getting beer goggles, why is it that drinking makes you horny? What I found out is that because alcohol lowers testosterone levels so significantly, the body is struggling to bring them back up by releasing LH, in very large quantities. What's also interesting to note is that LH is just as responsible for arousal as testosterone. Unfortunately though, alcohol reduces testosterone levels at the Leydig cell, not the pituitary, so the LH is ineffective in raising testosterone levels.

So what if it is that time of the month, where you hand the keys to someone else and get bombed? Here are some simple hints as how to keep as much muscle as possible from that week while still having fun:

1. Leave at least 2 liters of water by your bedside to drink when you get home before you go to bed. Not only will this prevent a hangover, but it will also help to hydrate your muscles.

2. Drink a protein shake or eat something dense in protein before climbing into bed as well (if you can still stand). This will help curb the catabolism occurring inside your body, not to mention you always need protein.

3. When you wake up the next morning and roll over, pray the girl next to you looks as good as she did last night. If not, shuttle her out of the room as quick as possible before your friends can find out and bust your balls.

4. 45 minutes to an hour before breakfast have a serving of ZMA and 5-10 grams of glutamine. The ZMA will naturally raise your testosterone levels that were lowered from your night of drinking, and the glutamine will help stop catabolism.

5. Eat a big breakfast filled with foods that are rich in protein, calcium, phosphorus and iron. Your body is craving these key nutrients since the alcohol diminished them the night before.

Let's face it, alcohol is fun, real fun. It makes fat girls attractive, gets ugly guys laid, gives the skinny, shy kid confidence to stand up and make a fool of himself, and helps uncoordinated, white guys like me dance. Unfortunately, it also reduces testosterone among all the other negative things mentioned earlier in this article. That doesn't mean you shouldn't have fun, don't be afraid to go out and have a good time. I've seen way too many bodybuilders who stay in on weekends. Go out, drink a few beers, have a good time, just keep it in moderation.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot - LIFT ANGRY.
To answer your question Bast, I'am very serious about my training, that's why I never drink alcohol.
But I heard that some products could raise my testosteron levels back to normal after drinking alcohol. So I was wondering if this was true and witch product I can use for this. So I can drink when I go out. If those products don't work I will continue not drinking any alcohol.

And does ZMA really raises my testosterone levels back to normal after drinking alcohol?? because I read from most people that ZMA doesn't work at all. Only a few say it worked but only very little.
:( ... why must all good things be bad things ...

i need to drink to feel better, but then when i drink i don't make gains in the gym .. its a lose lose situation ....
marcoNMGN: and to answer u back, if u are that serious, and u heard that alcohol is bad for training.. then you would have read some about it... and not be looking for supps that would "raise" test levels.... cause there aint any.
And ZMA isnt for raising youre test levels....

0nyx: If youre serious u have a problem bro.. do something about it.