All information about DHEA


New member
Hey guys. Im trying to further my understanding on DHEA, how much to take, when to take it, etc. ive been reading about people gaining 20 lbs and leaning out in a 2 month period. I cant imagine something you can easily buy at walmart will aid in 2.5lbs a week, especially for 5 bucks a month.
I was also curious on the amount to take. Ive read some users saying that 100mg ED is perfect because your body cant utilize any more, but ive also read that 200mgs Ed is great for a cycle of it. However, the container says to never exceed 50mgs ED.
Just curious what you guys think and if results are even possible in this realm.
Not to mention, what will i do about the estrogen buildup? Is there a product that will keep my estrogen normalized? Will it even be an issue at 50mgs? 100+mgs?
How many mgs is a good amount and will i need pct with this product? Or maybe a certain amount of time on and the same amount off?
I do apologize before hand for all of the questions, but forums seem to be all over the place on this one. Thanks for the help
This hormone is not talked about a ton. Im sure a few guys on here have stacked a few articles about it. It is in my opinion that DHEA is really most effective in reversing some of the metabolic decay of aging. And I would guess that any gains that can be attributed to the DHEA will not be the leanest of gains. Once again I am not an expert on this subject. Hope you figure out the best way to utilize the supplement. I would also like to hear some good info on its use in bodybuilding.
From my understanding, DHEA converts to test or an androgen receptor OR 1-andro. From those SAME sources, it is said to raise BOTH testosterone and estrogen. Cant imagine something like that being legal tho
The last I heard DHEA was mostly potent at converting into Estrogen, not much else though. You might want to do some research before getting on it and expecting any gains
It has to be converted twice to make test. After that it does produce estrogen as well, with all that said it does not significantly raise test and I have never heard of someone gaining 20 pound of muscle
I take 100-200 Mon-Fri and take Sat and Sun off. 50-100mg in the moring and then again before bed. I've done this for years.
Not sure if it has any muscle building effect but I do feel better on it and can feel a slitght libido increase. I have only taken the pill form, but am going to try dermacrine in the coming year.
I don't think you can build a cycle around it but it is definately a great addition to any cycle especially since it's relatively cheap (at least in pill form).
DHEA taken orally is known to convert to both testosterone and estrogen. Transdermally, if applied to areas with low body fat like shoulders chest and upper back - there are enzymes in the skin that promote the conversion to testosterone - that is the principle behind dermacrine and RS transaderm. You can buy a good transdermal carrier and make your own as well - I have tried it just using a good quality organic oil ( I think it was walnut oil) and seemed to get some results. Compounds llike dermacrin and RS Transaderm have an anti-aromatase and some progesterone in the formulation (or is pregnelone). The latter helps prevent conversion to DHT and associated issues.

I wouldn't be a huge believer of someone making 20 lbs of lean gains on just DHEA in 2 months. I mean one can gain 20 lbs without anything if they are dirty weight gain just by overeating. But lean gains no. Transdermal DHEA can be a decent source for a testosterone base while running another cycle of something like Anavar and then maybe 8 lbs of lean gains might be possible.

Be aware that that transdermal route does increase testosterone and it is basically exogenous testosterone - so over time can shut you down somewhat. Be prepared for a mild PCT to get the boys back up and running hard if you go on this for a while and then stop.
A lot of people use it in their trt protocol, my dads urologist office even sells it now. I take 50 mg in am and 50mg pm, from what I was told by the dr it backfills pathways so it will increase your t. I have had blood work before and after taking this and I have a very hard time picturing somebody gaining mass like that.. haha inless it made him super hungry. I would expect anybody to be highly disappointed if they are expecting noticeable gains from this alone!