ALL injection sites, come one come all, I wanna here them all

New alias

Grow Stronger
Serious, my first run with a short ester, doin NPP.... Enjoying experimenting with different sites. I'm gonna share all mine, please share yours!

Up to 3cc's:
Lat(latissimus dorsi)

Up to 1.5cc's:
Calf(outer & inner)
Pec(sternal head)
Delt(lateral head)
Bi(long & short head)
Tri(lateral & long head)

Anybody tried clavicular head of pec? Anybody tried brachialis?

Am I insane? Or am I ingenious?

My goal is to avoid scar tissue and stretch the fascia of different muscle groups.
U need to do a search. This has been covered about as much as dbol cycles have... Look at the bottom of the page even.
U need to do a search. This has been covered about as much as dbol cycles have... Look at the bottom of the page even.

Ok, I have looked a lot... It seems most ppl just do delts, quads & glutes I have used *** spot injection website as well.

I was hoping to hear some different ideas here
Ok, I have looked a lot... It seems most ppl just do delts, quads & glutes I have used *** spot injection website as well.

I was hoping to hear some different ideas here

I have posted about my pec injections in the past. The site works well and is painless.
I have posted about my pec injections in the past. The site works well and is painless.

I just looked thru ur started threads, don't see anything about pec injections..... So have u hit the clavicular head? I have hit sternal and am now curious about upper pec