All natural progress pictures

Army Stud

Hates fags, darkies, libs
This is my all natural 4 month progress. I only take ZMA and protein as a supplement.

I have access to Tbol and Winstrol (winny). Thinking about running these together for 6 weeks.

Please let me know the areas I can work on!


Well done! nice progress!! i just u keep training i mean u seems ur growing a lot and very fast! but need a lot of legs size :)
Nice progress. Why take steroids when your making such great gain naturally! Take advantage of it, because it doesn't last forever. I'd keep going for some time, then when you plateau go ahead with a cycle of test @ 300mg/wk.
look good bro...definatly keep it up, what does ur chest routine look like, just outta curiousity

you're traps and arms are strongpoints IMO i think they look great..keep it up, stay away from the crap for a bit...

what's the army's policy on drug use? just outta curiousity
good job bro...add some cardio,maybe 30 min/3 times a week, u r gonna look lean an dmore round shape :rockband:
legs,middle back and rear delts should be your prime targets...