Alright.. So im thinking about competetion

In the back shot you need alittle more outside head of the bicep in the left arm and alittle more upper back size.

In the front pose you need more chest specifically outer chest and more outer bicep.

Bies look good from the front. Do you do any hammer curls or rope curls?

I wish I had someone to train me or train with me for a comp but I don't know anyone in my carea that has the knowledge to train me like that or anyone that has the ambition to train to compete either. THe only guy I know that competes aound me trains alone. I'm your height and 240. YOur leaness is a great advantage IMO.
roccodart440 said:
In the back shot you need alittle more outside head of the bicep in the left arm and alittle more upper back size.

In the front pose you need more chest specifically outer chest and more outer bicep.

Bies look good from the front. Do you do any hammer curls or rope curls?

I wish I had someone to train me or train with me for a comp but I don't know anyone in my carea that has the knowledge to train me like that or anyone that has the ambition to train to compete either. THe only guy I know that competes aound me trains alone. I'm your height and 240. YOur leaness is a great advantage IMO.
Aahaha same here man, i am on my OWN and it sucks. I know there are some little things i have to bring up as i model myself off of some of the golden era pros. I do hammer curls all the time and have been working hard on my peak and lat width.
Ok bro, I have to agree with them at bodybuilding, you dont have much on a stage to do.. YET
Great that you have the urge for competeing and I wish you the best of luck but It will only be stupid competeing now, youre young, use the time wisely and train, eat and sleep all right and in a couple of years go into competition.

best of luck.
I don't see any problem entering a competition. I believe you will learn a lot about what works for your body during dieting and gain valuable experience. I wouldn't go into the competition expecting to win but the worst that could happen is you end up in last place with that much more experience on your hands.
I would say wait on the comp and spend a good year bulking up. At this point you need to gain mass everywhere not specific areas. If your gains are this good after only 7 months then you are doing something right and keep at it.
were's the wheel's??? cant give you a complete critique with out far as upper body goes, you need a lil more size, but dont worry to much as your just getting started, remember to eat clean if your gonna bulk up since you wanna compete too..dont want to put to much fat on while bulking, just to shed it all off to get cut up, shave your self some work there.
I'm going to give you a very honest opinion - Spend the next 2 years adding more quality muscle. You will have no chance of doing well at a half ass show.

Reason being is your 170 lb @ 6' (once you diet down take probably another 20 lb off) so 150.

Think about this the guys in your weight class will most likely be 5'2 - 5'5

One person said that you'll learn from this - I disagree there is nothing to be learned from getting your ass handed to you.

Don't take anything of what i said as a negative. It appears you have the genetics (went from 140 - 170) to compete but you need time. BB is a sport you can't rush.
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DirkMoneyshot said:
I'm going to give you a very honest opinion - Spend the next 2 years adding more quality muscle. You will have no chance of doing well at a half ass show.

Reason being is your 170 lb @ 6' (once you diet down take probably another 20 lb off) so 150.

Think about this the guys in your weight class will most likely be 5'2 - 5'5

One person said that you'll learn from this - I disagree there is nothing to be learned from getting your ass handed to you.

Don't take anything of what i said as a negative. It appears you have the genetics (went from 140 - 170) to compete but you need time. BB is a sport you can't rush.
wait as everyone here told u then compete in a year or 2 ..good luck bro :)
DirkMoneyshot said:
I'm going to give you a very honest opinion - Spend the next 2 years adding more quality muscle. You will have no chance of doing well at a half ass show.

Reason being is your 170 lb @ 6' (once you diet down take probably another 20 lb off) so 150.

Think about this the guys in your weight class will most likely be 5'2 - 5'5

One person said that you'll learn from this - I disagree there is nothing to be learned from getting your ass handed to you.

Don't take anything of what i said as a negative. It appears you have the genetics (went from 140 - 170) to compete but you need time. BB is a sport you can't rush.

Awesome post! Agree 100%... :)
jul said:
Awesome post! Agree 100%... :)


Your too small bra, Bring your weight up, train hard, eat right, and what i'd do, is find a buddy who does compete, and help him and follow him/her throughout the whole process, Learn the ropes. And you know what, when it's your turn to compete, i'm sure their experience will be there for you also.

that's what i've done anyways, I've never competed, But i've helped alot of guys prepare with their shows.
thx guys appreciate all the comments. Right now im working on adding another 20lbs to my body to see if i cant compete in july but thats only if its quality mass and i feel i can do something. I agree that i am rushing myself because i am anxious and have a tendancy to rush everything.