Am I going to do this right


New member

I`m into a cutting diet right now, i was 260lbs @ 19% , now i`m @ 13% - 14% @ 225 , i lost a lot of mass (ahhhh no anabolixxx)but any way , i lose and gain mass quite easy, but this time all i want to do is a clean bulk with minimal fat, maybe gain 2-3% fat. I`m 6 foot 7, while dieting i ate 3000 cals and trained 5 times a week cardio 30mins + weights 45 mins for 3 months,
now i`m planning to go for 4000 calories, please critique my diet

8.00; 1 cup oats + skimmed milk + raisins
2 wholemeal toast + eggs + edam cheese (just a little)

11.00; shake 1 scoop pro + 1/2 cup oays + 1 tsp peanut butter + s.milk + apple
2 slices whole meal 1 tsp peanut butter

12.15 - 1.15 weight training

1.30; scoop protein + creatine + 200mls pineapple juice

2.45; 8oz chicken breast + 1tbsp olive oil + 4oz pasta (white) + salsa

6.30; 8oz lean steak + 12ozpotato+ mixed veg + 1 tbsp olive oil

9.30; Glycerlean protein (SLOW acting whey protein) + lite yogurt

4000 calories , 300 pro, 500carbs, 90fat

What do you think

supliments multi vits + creatine + whey

thanks :)
It's not bad, but I'd ditch the peanut butter and reduce the olive oil. That's a lot of olive oil to be consuming on a daily basis.

Switch to a non-lean steak and maybe butter your veggies a little.
OK i`ll reduce 1 serving of olive oil and i`ll spread my bread with tomatoes and pepper instead.
How much fat should i get as animal ? SO is animal fat better than olive oil and peanut butter fat? And what type of butter do you use for the veggies?

daspaceman said:
OK i`ll reduce 1 serving of olive oil and i`ll spread my bread with tomatoes and pepper instead.
How much fat should i get as animal ? SO is animal fat better than olive oil and peanut butter fat? And what type of butter do you use for the veggies?


Most of your fats should be from animal sources.

I wouldn't say animal fat is "better" than olive oil. Olive oil is definitely good (extra virgin), but just not good when it's most of your fat. The same goes with something as awesome as fish oil. It's definitely good, but it's not good when you get most of your fat from it.

Peanut butter fat is high in omega-6's, which is why I don't recommend it. It has some other issues, but that's the biggest one, IMO. It's ok in moderation, but it should definitely not be eaten in large amounts.

Just plain old salted butter works fine. If you can, organic butter salted with sea salt is best. I personally get mine raw from a local farmer. It's a very deep yellow (which indicates vitamin content from green pastures), very creamy, and full of flavor.