Am I hypoglycemic? Help


New member
Just so this is out there, I am going into my sixth week of my 500 m/week test e cycle. The past few training sessions at the gym, I have felt light headed and difficulty breathing in between sets of strenuous movements; squat, deadlift, and with an intense superset.

Days I do not train, I just do some light intensity cardio. These days I have only one carb meal, the first meal of the day. Macros for that day are 50/15/35 P/C/F.

Training days I only have two carb meals, breakfast which is preworkout sometimes and post workout. Macros are 45/25/30 P/C/F.

I feel fine before doing those exercises and about 5 minutes after completing them. I also feel fine during my cardio sessions. Blood pressure is 111 over 64. I am feeling dizzy, light headed, out of breath, and anxiety which is why I am leaning toward hypo.
