Am I ready for Ostarine or skip it?


New member
(I am in my mid 40s, no AAS for last 20yrs)

Current blood work total T is 400, do not want to take testosterone, just want a little kick for better workout results. Safe to start ostarine or should I take clomiphene and/or exemestane first for a month. Or skip the ostarine altogether and just focus on bringing up my natural T levels...
Fwiw: I am in the middle of an ostarine cycle right now and having better results than expected. Flat bench 275 for reps is up from 4 to 8, squats up from 275x10 to 315x10.

If you're worried abou it suppressing you further I can understand you wanting to raise your natural levels first, but combining it with any normal proven test booster and an appropriate cycle length should pose no problems.