Ameen Alia - The Mad Scientist Philosphy

I'll listen to it when I get in the car. After this cardio... I love geared up radio

If you've heard the rest than your going to love the twist this guy puts on the game.
My other favorite interviews are
Justin Harris
Matt Porter
Milos Sarcev
Wow, I was very surprised to run into Ameen's name here he is so low key and reclusive. Started working with him myself a little while back. His protocols are unique and took years to fine tune, no other coach or adviser I have come across can come close to what Ameen can do. The guy is a genius. Routinely puts on 20 (often more) plus pounds of reasonably lean muscle on guys in 10-15 weeks, and I'm not talking Flex Wheeler genetics, I mean blokes off the street. Best bodybuilding decision I ever made was hiring Ameen, worth every penny and then some.... Of course, it's a lot of food and more work than I ever done in my life, in the kitchen and gym but the results justify it 10 times over. Glad to see him get some props here, the guy is so deflective of attention.