Amino Acid / Protein / Creatine

not really. proteins are composed of linear chains of amino acids. this is not the equivalent of "amino acids are proteins".

there is no data showing showing amino acid supplementation provides any benefit over a a diet with adequate protein.

Are you serious in what you just said? Think about it! when you take in any amino acid say 1000mg worth in pill form. Thats 1000mg worth of one giant linear chain of that specific amino making up a protein. And by the way proteins are chains of aminos however they are not linear they fold into a 3d structure.
Are you serious in what you just said? Think about it! when you take in any amino acid say 1000mg worth in pill form. Thats 1000mg worth of one giant linear chain of that specific amino making up a protein. And by the way proteins are chains of aminos however they are not linear they fold into a 3d structure.

i dont know what youre referring to, i made two statements. but no, individual amino acids are not proteins. proteins are made up of amino acids, not the other way around. i dont know how else to put this.
i dont know what youre referring to, i made two statements. but no, individual amino acids are not proteins. proteins are made up of amino acids, not the other way around. i dont know how else to put this.

Ok I see what you are saying. This might make more sense in what I meant. Amino Acids are not proteins in the sense that if you take one single molecule of an amino acid like Valine then yes thats an amino acid. However if you are taking an amino acid supplement then you are taking protein because you are taking in a long chain of that particular amino acid which makes it a polypeptide chain thus a protein.

A amino acid supplement in pill form is just an isolated chain of that particular amino acid however it is a protein.
Just registered over here. Looking to know you all. Cheers.

Hi Guys,
Just stumbled upon this site. It looks cool and I think I will be having a good time over here.

Welcome me :)
*Creatine 30 mins prior to workout

*BCAA's immediately post workout.

*Don't waste your time and money taking aminos throughout the day. Just flood the body with them right after the workout. Try to eat a balanced meal soon thereafter.

*1 protein shake 1st thing in the morning. Keeps the body in an anabolic state after not eating for 7-8 hours. Breakfast 2 hours later. 2nd shake between lunch and dinner.

*A full meal is better than a shake after a workout from what I've experienced.
As far as proteins are concerned then it depends on your body weight, age and work out. If you want to gain your muscle then you should use 1 gram of protein per lb of your body weight.
the AIS (Aust Institute of Sport) recommends something like 1.725g per Kg of body weight when it comes to protein intake.

I'm personally unsure if creatine loading is really worth it. In the medium / long run, the results are probably pretty close to if you were to take 3g of creatine (monohydrate) per day. What i'm trying to say, is you wanted to, take 20g of creatine a day for a week. Drink bucket loads of water. Sure you may experience some stomach upsets...since if you instantly increase a vitamin, mineral &/or amino acid into your body, your bound to get some nasty reaction. But that's life. After that week, you could revert to a standard 3g a day.

OR you could go the easy way & take 3g a day for 2 months...eventually you'll have pretty close levels to that of if you did the loading.

I should also point out, that i think natty athletes generally don't need extra creatine, since the body is pretty proficient in making all the nutrients it needs out of the food you eat. If using AAS then sure, additional creatine + glutamine would be a good choice.

Sorry...dribble over
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