AML Test E and DBOL cycle LOG (Pics and Bloodwork)


New member
Hey bro's

I am going to do a cycle log for anyone interested. This will include Pre-cycle blood work. I will have my test checked again after 6 weeks into cycle. And A FULL blood panel done after PCT.

My plans are

Test E @ 500mg wk x14 wks
DBOL @ 20mg day for first 4 weeks
Arimidex @ 1.25 mg EOD throughout

Clomid 75/50/50/25
Nolva 40/40/20/20

Current Stats
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 192 lbs

Diet: Zig Zag 3,400-4,000 cals a day.
I am doing a carb cycling diet found at cutandjacked

Supplements: Protein, Multi Vit, Fish Oil, Creatine

Some back ground. I was 174 lbs. and 8% BF in Oct of 2012. Upped my calories since Halloween in prep for cycle. I have managed to gain 18 lbs since then natural. Im hoping to get up to 220 before I will change my calorie ranges to begin a VERY slow cut or just continue my lean bulk.
I started with my first pin and capsule on 01/24/13. I cant wait to get big!

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Ok so I'm 3 pins in and 7 days on DBOL. I killed shoulders today. I already feel stronger and the pumps were so intense I had to take extra time between sets lol. One of the bigger dudes at my gym commented that I look bigger since the last time he saw me! I might reduce cals a little and try to lean out at the same time... what do you guys think?
Sounds great, id bump the Dbol to 2x 20mg per day. 1-2 hr pre workout, 1-2 hr post workout. And Clomid i would do 100/100/50/50 (imo)
Keep us posted on your progress...
Looks like its gona be a good one if you feel that good after just one week.
Trust thanks for the advice man! I will double up on the dbol and rearrange my clomid. Just hope more dbol gets here in time.

Pinned left quad yesterday and there is a fair amount of pip. Probably just cause its a virgin muscle. Strength is up and I feel fucking great. Nipples are getting a little sensitive and I'm slightly sleepy all the time. Still killing it in the gym, I'm up 3 lbs!
I always have a weird feeling in the nipples every new cycle...for a few days, then it goes away... weird lol..
For me, quad shots hurt like hell hehe
I think feeling great is the best indication that the cycle is going good.
Keep it up !!
Hey guys!

Sorry I haven't posted in a bit, I started a pretty intense class and it's keeping me busy.
Anyway I did as suggested and doubled up on the dbol dose but I guess my body doesn't like it.
I had great pumps in the gym but I was extremely lethargic. I discontinued using dbol.
My strength is still increasing and weight is up 2 more lbs.

I have rotated shots in quads a few times now and really no pip other than that one time.
I've had the flu for the last couple days so my diet has been lacking. I will post pics up tomorrow and more often. I look flat right now due to being sick...