AML Test Prop cycle


New member
Just got my AML test in the mail today! :D
I took advantage of their free test for new customers promo, only thing is, i accidentally asked for Test E :(
My cycle was originally supposed to be as follows:

Week 1-8: Test Prop 150mg eod
Week 2-8: Aromasin 12.5mg eod


Clomid: 100/50/50/50
nolva: 40/20/20/20

If i dont use the test E now, i won't have enough propl to make my cycle worth while, so i have to use it. Can anyone revise my cycle to incorporate the longer ester?
Just got my AML test in the mail today! :D
I took advantage of their free test for new customers promo, only thing is, i accidentally asked for Test E :(
My cycle was originally supposed to be as follows:

Week 1-8: Test Prop 150mg eod
Week 2-8: Aromasin 12.5mg eod


Clomid: 100/50/50/50
nolva: 40/20/20/20

If i dont use the test E now, i won't have enough propl to make my cycle worth while, so i have to use it. Can anyone revise my cycle to incorporate the longer ester?

How much of test E and test P do you have overall?
nvm, 4everbulking helped me out with this. gonna do the prop till its done, then test-e till it's done. pretty straight forward.
so happy to be back on the train lol
yeah but don't he have to wait till Test e kicks in??? Unless you wanna trade a bottle of test e for a bottle of test prop right?
sicvic: that's what i thought too due to e's longer ester, but 4everbulking told me after i'm done with my prop, the e should kick in right away. i'm assuming since my test levels will be elevated significantly by then?

on a side note, i just pinned the prop now and so far so good! Having never shot prop before, i was thiking it might hurt a little more than usual, but it was smooth as butter!! The oil also seems thinner than the test e i did last cycle, so it seemed easier to inject as well. I warmed it up under hot running water prior as well.

all smiles right now.