i'm very leasn to begin with, so i try to get more carbs in to bulk up, but find it difficult to do. So i guess i'm also a protein guy too. I get most of my carbs from a weight gainer i'm currently using ("Heavy Weight Gainer 900"). Two a day.... one for breakfast, the other PW.
I'm currently taking in ~340 gms protein, ~450 gms carbs. Any ideas on how to bump up the calorie count? Here's my avg diet:
Breakfast pr carb fat
Weight gainer shake 50 120 20
Snack 1
oatmeal bar 4 45 4
protein shake 45 25 10
1 cup rice 6 45 4
1 can tuna 37 0 6
Snack 2 4 45 4
same as snack 1 45 25 10
1 serving pasta 8 48 4
6 oz steak 40 0 12
prework out
protein shake 45 25 10
weight gainer 50 120 20
Total 334 498 104
total cals ................. 4264