Amateur Bodybuilder
So I know this site is based on steroid use and I understand most people who find their way here are looking for answers about cycle layout, hormones, TRT, etc... I originally came here looking for that same information.
With steroid use comes great power and like Spiderman says, "great power comes with great responsibility". What i am saying is that you need to become responsible about every factor of training and nutrition before you even begin to think about cycling hormones and playing with your genetic makeup.
The single most important factor of being shredded, jacked, massive, chiseled, or whatever your goals are that led you to thoughts about AAS is NUTRITION. You can load yourself with test, tren, deca, and all the orals you want but if you eat processed, fatty, fried, are un natural foods then you are sick. What I mean by sick is that you are feeding your body chemicals that were never meant to be processed by your body and are, therefore, poisons. Your body is never near homeostasis and probably aches from constant inflammation and fat. Tendonitis, joint pain, groggyness, and weakness (unless you have a disease or other illness) is almost always the result of a poor diet. If your body cannot fire correctly at its synapses then it is not efficient enough to reach your true potential. This is why most heavy steroid users that you see on the street are big and strong but usually fat and not symettrical.
The next biggest factor is training. DO NOT EGO LIFT. You need to focus on full ROM, higher reps (despite common beliefs, lifting heavy weights for low reps does not fall into the most efficient category for muscle hypertophy - stick to things you can do 12-20 rep maxes with unless you are training for a strength competition), focusing on relaxing all muscle groups not associated with exercise, controlling the weight for the entire eccentric and concentric contraction, and TIME UNDER TENSION. Question everything and everyone who tells you to do something. Study what each muscle group is physiologically designed to do and repeat that motion correctly. Using muscles in an anti physiologically accurate manner will cause injury.
If you have truly mastered the diet suitable for your goals through use of organic, whole, natural, and low fat foods and have dedicated serious time to focus and tension through functional exercises than you can begin to research AAS using all of the amazing threads on this site. Also make sure that you are getting efficient and regular sleep. wish you all the best of luck in your endeavors of fitness.
With steroid use comes great power and like Spiderman says, "great power comes with great responsibility". What i am saying is that you need to become responsible about every factor of training and nutrition before you even begin to think about cycling hormones and playing with your genetic makeup.
The single most important factor of being shredded, jacked, massive, chiseled, or whatever your goals are that led you to thoughts about AAS is NUTRITION. You can load yourself with test, tren, deca, and all the orals you want but if you eat processed, fatty, fried, are un natural foods then you are sick. What I mean by sick is that you are feeding your body chemicals that were never meant to be processed by your body and are, therefore, poisons. Your body is never near homeostasis and probably aches from constant inflammation and fat. Tendonitis, joint pain, groggyness, and weakness (unless you have a disease or other illness) is almost always the result of a poor diet. If your body cannot fire correctly at its synapses then it is not efficient enough to reach your true potential. This is why most heavy steroid users that you see on the street are big and strong but usually fat and not symettrical.
The next biggest factor is training. DO NOT EGO LIFT. You need to focus on full ROM, higher reps (despite common beliefs, lifting heavy weights for low reps does not fall into the most efficient category for muscle hypertophy - stick to things you can do 12-20 rep maxes with unless you are training for a strength competition), focusing on relaxing all muscle groups not associated with exercise, controlling the weight for the entire eccentric and concentric contraction, and TIME UNDER TENSION. Question everything and everyone who tells you to do something. Study what each muscle group is physiologically designed to do and repeat that motion correctly. Using muscles in an anti physiologically accurate manner will cause injury.
If you have truly mastered the diet suitable for your goals through use of organic, whole, natural, and low fat foods and have dedicated serious time to focus and tension through functional exercises than you can begin to research AAS using all of the amazing threads on this site. Also make sure that you are getting efficient and regular sleep. wish you all the best of luck in your endeavors of fitness.