I lied, I will say something only because I can't agree more with you dgraham on the do each rep slowly focusing on the muscle being worked with full contractions theory & and I'm sure you keep tight form. But I can't, myself, sign up to the 20 rep theory. Not sure about that. If it works for you & u see improvement, more power to ya. I'm more in the school of thought I think where tbonexl is coming from and that is heavy weight to failure. Ive gained the most progress from this myself. But I'd like to hear more on your thoughts on it, if any. Thnx bro.
20-30+ reps work! Try doing the weight your using now counting 15 seconds on the concentric and the eccentric. Most use momentum and "cheat" the weight. I can get one hell of a pump curling 25lb dumbbells lol! I as well as most are guilty of going too heavy and compromising form. I started doing pull ups and chins very slow. Granted, I can't do many reps but my god I feel that shit 2 days later! Not to mention less injury prone too. I'm not saying go to planet fatness and do nothing at the gym. Slow your reps and feel the burn!