Anavar alone....

Joltan and Juced porkchop - both of you can lose your bad attitudes or I'll be showing you the fucking door out of here. I'm sick and tired of going to my board and seeing these kind of deameaning, superior, condescending posts.

The guy had a legitimate question and if you can't offer a legitimate answer, don't waste space here.

And furthermore, you're both wrong. Not just questionable opinions, you're simply wrong on the facts about anabolic pharmacology and the realities of keeping gains acquired while on steroids.

Hey what do you know assholes and they know nothing there is a surprise.
What do you think about test though. I love my hair (Good looks can open doors, but great hair blows em off their hinges.) I am freaked to try test sypionate because I want to keep my hair. If I did a cycle ever it would be anavar, deca durabolin, or durabolin (which of these last 2 do you prefer and why) and grudgingly maybe low amounts...but, also, hypothetically, what if I did 1 cycle per year, nothing crazy, just once a year, would I always look like I got a little something on me at all times, more than usual?

What sucks for me is I'm allergic to milk and protein powder is a no no and I don't want soy protein because I don't want do you think bro.

your allergic to milk and protien powerd well most is made from milk i have a few friends that arnt allergic but they still get the shits from it.
try the gemma protein "pea protien" from grab like 5 lb and see if you can handel it . i use it and im noteven elergic to milk. theres also hemp powder protien but im not a big fan of the taste. o and if you do order go with a prem flavor like duch chocolat or strawberry. the gemmas amino profil is almost exact at iso whey wich is a good thing.
also look at the fish oil caps there a GOOD DEAL AND THE CREATIN MONOHYDRAT is cheap that should help you out.
What do you think about test though. I love my hair (Good looks can open doors, but great hair blows em off their hinges.) I am freaked to try test sypionate because I want to keep my hair. If I did a cycle ever it would be anavar, deca durabolin, or durabolin (which of these last 2 do you prefer and why) and grudgingly maybe low amounts...but, also, hypothetically, what if I did 1 cycle per year, nothing crazy, just once a year, would I always look like I got a little something on me at all times, more than usual?

What sucks for me is I'm allergic to milk and protein powder is a no no and I don't want soy protein because I don't want do you think bro.

i herd noziral shampoo can help keep hair "dht away" and somthing els i for got name. if you run test
Joltan and Juced porkchop - both of you can lose your bad attitudes or I'll be showing you the fucking door out of here. I'm sick and tired of going to my board and seeing these kind of deameaning, superior, condescending posts.

The guy had a legitimate question and if you can't offer a legitimate answer, don't waste space here.

And furthermore, you're both wrong. Not just questionable opinions, you're simply wrong on the facts about anabolic pharmacology and the realities of keeping gains acquired while on steroids.

i think if your genetic limit is 200lbs and your 170lbs use Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) to get to the 200lbs you can keep it there well maybe 205 as you will loos a few after cycl.
but if you go to 250lbs you WILL slowly go down to wut you can hold with a good diet and training and natty test. but if you gain its ther its real . this guys thinking at 160 if he go's too 175 he will shrink agen well for most i doubt that will happen "with good diet and training of course" but this guy might not have any way il stop

and sry i was a bit hot headed just get so ..... any way
would u get the deca-dick problem by using DHT based AAs such as anavar alone ? or is it related to progestins only?
hmm ok but then i dont understand why progestins could cause deca dick and dht-based not

is libido linked to DHT or to test itself?
prog based Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) shut you down VARY hard, like deca for eg and its effect on lebido isnt like dht or tests eg pravarion or testE will make you feel horny and have a crazy labido deca is only shutting you down and not supplamenting you with anything androgenic . Anavar (var) is much more mild in supression. also if your running say test and your shut down the test your using your self would not make you feel shut down and deca alon might and will for most from wut i hear. but iv run deca alon and felt fine.

i unno maybe dht also has somthing els to it.
but Anavar (var) will still shut your down espesh if your running it for a long time at a good dose but every 1 is diff some may say they feel tierd and other say no prob like trev.
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Joltan and Juced porkchop - both of you can lose your bad attitudes or I'll be showing you the fucking door out of here. I'm sick and tired of going to my board and seeing these kind of deameaning, superior, condescending posts.

The guy had a legitimate question and if you can't offer a legitimate answer, don't waste space here.

And furthermore, you're both wrong. Not just questionable opinions, you're simply wrong on the facts about anabolic pharmacology and the realities of keeping gains acquired while on steroids.

Your giving advice to someone that asks how many steroids they need to take per year. You told him to do two cycles a year. You don't even know his history. I'm sorry I disagree with you.

So I guess im the bad guy here because I disagree with you, im not going to waste my time arguing on a computer. I did not show any "attitude" in my post, I told the person they didn't know how to write. If that makes me an asshole, I don't care, people have to read what people say on here.

Like I stated in my post keeping gains is going to be difficult once you have aquired a certain amount of lbm, but it is no different in terms of maintaining muscle from lifting natural, obviously with the diet and excercise requirements. And obviously with post cycle therapy (pct). So don't just accuse me of giving bad information, show me some real data that backs up what you say. I don't claim to be a scientist but I have NEVER seen any studies or data that proves me wrong. Show me how chemical inflicted muscle is any different than natural muscle in terms of deterioration, beside the things I stated. I don't claim to "Know" anything, simply current theory is all I have. If there is scientific proof of what you say then I will believe you, I just have not seen it, nor heard of anyone else seeing it for that matter.

Im not saying this with any attitude but I could care less if you kick me out the door, with poor advice like yours and others its meaningless, I only come around here every once and a great while as it is. My post was meant to show respect to the board, not disrespect. Your the one with an attitude man. I could run my mouth off to you if I wanted to but I won't, Im an adult.
my first cycle was var only 30mgs ed and it made me feel hard as shit and cut me up pretty well. i ran it for 5 weeks without any libido problems. towards the 6 week i had issues keeping one up so i stopped and started post cycle therapy (pct).

that simple