Anavar and vaginal bleedings


New member
Good evening,

I have a problem since 10 days that worries me a lot ... I have abnormal vaginal bleeding. (not a lot).

I started from 15 days Anavar. The cause could be that?
You have been bleedings with Anavar?

I am very worried. Tomorrow I have an appointment at the gynecologist, but I can not say that I take Anavar!

Anything like this that you take can affect your period. when i was on anavar my period was normal but i stopped getting it until i went back on another cycle. and now I'm on primo and have not had a period since December. it's not surprising that you have abnormal bleeding.
If you're concerned about it then it doesn't hurt to get it checked out, but i wouldn't be too worried
im not a woman but that very side has been mentioned in several post concerning VAR cycles, search the forum and you will find its not uncommon, you're ok.
I went to the gynecologist. The problem is that a follicle ovulation has not blow up and cause these bleeding. Usually befonre menstruation the follicle blow up, but this month has delayed burst. So he gave me some tablets based noresterone acetate for 10 days to blow the follocle and bringing menstruation:

Now I do not know what to do. In your noresterore + supplements is a problem?
Anavar (var) can make you stop your periods all together... you can also experience very light periods or even randon spotting.... I noticed that 4 weeks into my Anavar (var) cycle, my period came and was super light and lasted 2 days! it was great as I get them so heavy, long and super painful....
also....your estrogen levels are lowered and that's what usually happens.... if your doctor gave you replacement hormone then you are counteracting the var.... at least from what I read... partly the reason why I haven't taken my birth control during cycle... you pay too much money to waste it away and I want maximum effectiveness and results... just a thought :)