Anavar cycle w/ nolvadex or arimdex?


New member
Hi ladies,

I'm going to start my second cycle of anavar. First cycle I listened to my stupid ex and gained 20 lbs that looked like water weight. Face hands and legs bloated and did a keto diet. He started me on 10 mg for two weeks then upped it to 20 mg for 4 weeks.

I would love the extra help of an estrogen blocker this time around to keep the water down. I will also be carb cycling.

Train heavy weights 5 days a week followed by 45 mins of treadmill per day.

5'1 123lbs 13% body fat.

Please help me with correct dosages!!! Thanks!
You should not get any bloat with Anavar (var) as said sounds like he gave you dbol,
I've been up to 25mg and no sides at all,