anavar first time

ms wonderfit

New member
im about to start my first cycle of anavar. i have done a lot of research but im really looking for feedback on what else i need to take in order to stay healthy. any vitamins for my liver or joints? will it be affected by birth control? and how exactly will the anavar affect my body physically. i work out 4-5 times a week with cardio and weights. weigh about 130, 5"4. also feel free to add any extra tips that you think will be helpful during my cycle.
I always take vitamins and fish oil whether on cycle or not. I also like to run creatine while on Var. Since it increases your creatine synthesis.

As with any AAS, there are side effects such as enlarged clitoris, voice deepening & hair growth where you wouldn't normally get it (facial & chest). It effects everyone different, I have known women who get all of these on a vary low dose and women who have taken high doses and got no sides.

What are your goals?

What dose are you taking?

How long are you running it?

What is your diet like?

What BC method are you using?
I have found that while on cycle Depo shot is the best because it is an estrogen blocker instead of being estrogen based.
Post up diet and training and experience. I'm with Blondie on the multi-vit and fish oils. I also think it is important for women to take evening primrose oil as well.

If you want to take something for the liver liv52 is recommended.
I am mostly trying to definate my muscle tone and lose some fat in my thigh/butt/love handle area. I do cardio 30-45 mon-thurs with a mixture of weight lifting as well. I am planning on taking 10mg a day for 8 weeks but ive noticed the members on here are recommmending more like 5mg for 8-10 weeks based on my results. i dont have a set day to day diet but i do stick to more healthy/protein enriched foods (chicken breasts, veggies, fruits, whole grains,ect) and have adapted to drinking only water and daily cup of coffee
Hard to know if you're haven't given us details.

If you want to start AAS you should be consistent in diet and training for about 5 years.

Start with 5 mg to be safe as well and you can always work your way up to 10.

Make sure you have tried everything else out there frist before going on AAS...HIIT training, carb cycling, etc.
Hello i'm 23 yo,5'5 and 123lbs...i would like to loose some weight and build some muscle...i must say i train 5 days/week,train all my muscles,doing 45 min cardio and i eat try to eat healthy even though i cheat from time to time:D....I eat veggies,chicken,steak,salads and fruits.I don't count my calories also.
Sorry if i posted in the wrong place but i'm really new to all this.
I forgot to mention that i'm on clen and i lost some weight with it and get rid of water retention which it causes me headache because i got some cellulite too!!!I wanna try anavar from this week too.
Hope someone will help me with some more information on this.
Hello i'm 23 yo,5'5 and 123lbs...i would like to loose some weight and build some muscle...i must say i train 5 days/week,train all my muscles,doing 45 min cardio and i eat try to eat healthy even though i cheat from time to time:D....I eat veggies,chicken,steak,salads and fruits.I don't count my calories also.
Sorry if i posted in the wrong place but i'm really new to all this.
I forgot to mention that i'm on clen and i lost some weight with it and get rid of water retention which it causes me headache because i got some cellulite too!!!I wanna try anavar from this week too.
Hope someone will help me with some more information on this.

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