Anavar for female libido increase - AMAZING STUFF!

The Femina product from AML is also very good for that, took a woman who had severe depression and was on a few drugs to counter it, a cold fish for a decade, she had sex a few times to have kids.. that was it. A few days of femina was all it took to turn up the heat.. a lot. Been recommending it to clients who have a frigidity issue for a few years now.
Aside from the libido, I'm curious to hear about her results from VAR. my wife has long considered doing a VAR cycle. She's worked out and eaten impeccably for years, but rightfully so, she's been hesitant to take that plunge. Just curious if the cycle results were obvious and worthwhile with your spouse, in your eyes?

We slowly increased her dosage over several weeks, from 5mg up to 20mg (split into two 10mg doses), and I refuse to take it any higher for all the reasons psizzle real benefit but a greatly increased chance of bad sides. Once she reached 15mg for a week, she told me she noticed improved endurance and increased strength. She is currently taking Kick Boxing and Long Fist Kung Fu and already has her black belt in Tai Chi (knows a plethora of bare hand forms and many weapons forms). Mind you, she is also in her upper 40s.

She used to get completely winded by the 45 minute mark of kick boxing, but now she can go the entire distance. Would that have also happened without the anavar? I cannot say, but she is certainly getting stronger, that is for sure. Using 3Js BMR, TDEE, etc., calculations for caloric needs, she was very shocked to see what her lean body mass is. She threatened me with a very slow and painful death if I ever divulged the numbers involved (and we all know women are quite serious about those threats!), but she already has a good bit of muscle. She just needs to tone it now. She has already mostly fixed her diet through a slow and methodical manipulation by now that the diet is mostly in check, and her exercising is hard and multiple times a week, she is going to change rapidly. The anavar is the icing on the cake.