Anavar, the safe steroid? by 3J


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By: 3J
3J's Nutrition | Diet and fitness consulting to get you to the next level.


Oxandrolone, (also known as anavar, var, and oxandrin) is a dihydrotestoterone synthetic derivative first produced by Raphael Pappo. The drug was introduced to the US market in 1964. Its androgenic properties are weak while boasting a larger anabolic characteristic. It is a 17-alpha alkylated steroid and, thus, its footprint on the body is small. Being 17- alpha alkylated and a DHT derivative, anavar or var is mildly hepa-toxic (toxic to the liver) and does not aromatize (convert to estrogen). It was first used in humans who had diseases which would cause muscular atrophy (the loss of muscle) like those infected with HIV/AIDS. In low dosages (20mg a day) anavar has been shown to be mildly suppressive of the HTPA. When doses increase, anavar shows stronger suppression of the LH (lutenizing hormone, the hormone that communicates with the testies to create testosterone) due to a signal in the body that tells it there is too much endogenous testosterone production. As LH levels reduce testicular atrophy (shrinking of the testicles) becomes apparent.

Proper use:

Anavar (var) is one of the most popular introductory steroids for first time users due to its mild effect on the body and its lack of need for injections. Unlike other steroids that aromatize, the gains seen with the use of var are what we in the bodybuilding world call “true gains” or gains that occur due to muscle growth and not water weight secondary to aromatization. The proper dosage for anavar varies, but anywhere from 20-80mg a day (in males, over an 8 week period) split into two doses has been shown to be effective. The drug should be taken on an empty stomach when possible. It should also not be taken late at night due to reports of insomnia.
Since anavar has a weak androgenic profile, it is also one of the most popular steroids for women. Its weak androgenic profile reduces the chances of virilization (the biological development of sex differences) in women. Women who take 5mg to 10mg daily over an 8 week period show favorable recomposition of their bodies. Though mild, there is still the possibility of virilization and females should take the necessary precautions when using any steroid.

With men, it is recommended that anavar not be used on its own due to the possible suppression of the HTPA and lowering of natural testosterone levels. As a golden rule, testosterone should be the base of all cycles. Those who do chose to run anavar on its own should also run the proper PCT (post cycle therapy) drugs like clomid to help return the balance of their HTPA and natural testosterone levels. I will emphasize again that var should not be taken by itself. Many first time users enjoy the thought of taking an oral steroid by itself that gives, though mild, faster results than just eating right and working out naturally. But the drop in natural testosterone levels and the possible time it takes for recovery should be considered, since you will likely do more damage than good in the long run.
Great write up but I'm wondering what is the reasoning behind taking Var on an empty stomach? From what I understood 17-aa's did not get absorbed there and therefore it was fine to take them with food. Also taking it with food helps with not getting an upset stomach.
From what I have read and experienced myself it's more adequate to have it on an empty stomach. There will be many opinions this is just mine.
Great write up. As many of the guys on here know, I'm a big advocate of var. It's a great compound and IMHO, is the only oral that can be run for long periods of time without unnecessary risks. It is great for both men and women and I use more var than any other compounds, aside from king testosterone. It's worth at least one run before passing judgement, like a lot of bros do-calling it a female only compound.
Good job.

I have never ever run it. Y ? Cost...same reason I do not do gh...cost. I only buy the basics test. I did get a deal on some mast from psl so I m trying that...we will see.

From what I know var is widely used and safe. I believe I d not want t o run under 60-100 so again...cost...

Sehr gut gemacht !

(Really well done !)
So...I had 2 of my buddies recently try Anavar for the first time ever. I heard about this anavar that was suppose to be some of the best stuff going along with a hefty price tag ($180/100 10mg tabs). My first buddy started taking 30mg/day with 400mg primobolan enanthate per week (though I advised to add low dose test to accompany as well). He got through bout 75 tabs n reordered 100 more. Before he broke into the second pack of Var..he decided to lower his dose to 20mgs/day because he felt dried out And said it felt like too much. All in buddy lost about 30lbs and just about to finsh up. The reason I bring all this up is to bring light to the fact that if yiu have good Var...yiu may not not need to run a high dose for max effects. Everyone is different, so dont before afraid to lesser amounts before tossing 80mgs per day in ur system. Good Var can be very effective at 30-40mgs/day.
yes there is also the issue of ugls underdosing var or selling dbol as var
Ive tried var, likes the pumps, vascularity and being able to stay a bit more leaner .Also the fact that the anabolic ratio is so friggen high while with the high androgen levels of a nice dose of test complement each other nicely. But Im trying out some Tbol this go around... Any comparison?? For anyone who has tried both?