Anavar vs no avanar


New member
Hi, here is my stats 5'10" 193 14%BF. I want a lean bulk cycle.

My cycle is going to be

1-12 weeks prop 100mg EOD
1-10 weeks tren 75 mg EOD

8-12 weeks Anavar 45 mg ED (??????)

2-12 weeks Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250 UI 2 times a week
13-15 weeks Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500 UI EOD
13-16 weeks Nolva 20/20/10/10.

3 questions;
ANavar should I keep it in the cycle or take it out (is it really worth the cost about $250 or save my money for another cycle).

HCG do I need it and if so is the dosage ok.

Should I add Clomid to the PCT or would Nolva be ok like this.

I have Adex on hand if needed. Have never had any problems with Gyno on previous cycles (this is the first time with tren).
Hi, here is my stats 5'10" 193 14%BF. I want a lean bulk cycle.

My cycle is going to be

1-12 weeks prop 100mg EOD
1-10 weeks tren 75 mg EOD

8-12 weeks Anavar 45 mg ED (??????)

2-12 weeks Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250 UI 2 times a week
13-15 weeks Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500 UI EOD
13-16 weeks Nolva 20/20/10/10.

3 questions;
ANavar should I keep it in the cycle or take it out (is it really worth the cost about $250 or save my money for another cycle).
HCG do I need it and if so is the dosage ok.

Should I add Clomid to the PCT or would Nolva be ok like this.

I have Adex on hand if needed. Have never had any problems with Gyno on previous cycles (this is the first time with tren).[/

Personally, I wouldn't bother with the var for a couple reasons. It's mild, running it 4 weeks isn't going to yield much result, and 45mg doesn't seem worth it. As for the adex, tren induced gyno is from prolactin/progesterone, you'll be needing a prolactin antagonizer (pramiprexole).

I'll cut to Anavar of and keep my money.

What about post cycle therapy (pct) I was thinking maybe

HCG weeks 1-10 250 ui 2times a week
HCG weeks 11-13 500 UI EOD

Nova weeks 14-16 30/20/20

What do you think?
Personally, I wouldn't bother with the var for a couple reasons. It's mild, running it 4 weeks isn't going to yield much result, and 45mg doesn't seem worth it. As for the adex, tren induced gyno is from prolactin/progesterone, you'll be needing a prolactin antagonizer (pramiprexole).

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I'll cut to Anavar of and keep my money.

What about post cycle therapy (pct) I was thinking maybe

HCG weeks 1-10 250 ui 2times a week
HCG weeks 11-13 500 UI EOD

Nova weeks 14-16 30/20/20

What do you think?

I'm not sure I'd bump the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) up taht much for the last few weeks, but you will be best to decide. If you experience atrophy, its prolly a good idea, if not, then I'd just do 250 eod.

BTW - I agree about the anvar.
Anavar = gay. drop it

HCG @ 250iu E3D til you start post cycle therapy (pct) is fine.

As for the ancillaries. You never know how you're gonna respond to something once you add a new compound. Like Rougen said, Tren causes Prolactin based gyno, so I'd have something like Prami or Dostinex on hand (doesn't mean you have to take it) in case something starts to happen. Obviously keep the adex on hand as well.
anavar is the best ive ever "felt" while on steroids. That said, pyramiding up to the dose i felt was effective (100mg/day) meant that my 80 dollars lasted 12 days.
ana Anavar (var) is the best ive ever "felt" while on steroids. That said, pyramiding up to the dose i felt was effective (100mg/day) meant that my 80 dollars lasted 12 days.

only time i will agree with an Ana Anavar (var) post. lol

I've only gotten any response from Anavar (var) at 120mg/d.
There are positives and negatives.


-Great drug for lean, dry gains
-Strength will go up tremendously


-You'll get great results from Test+Tren alone
-45mg ED might give you some results, but not optimal ones
with Var? maybe at a high dose. What do you consider tremendous?

My strength went up considerably at the end of my cycle w/ Anavar (var). I don't recal exact figures, but within a 5-6 week period I hit PR's on virtually all my lifts. I went up to 80mg the last few weeks.

Hell, maybe it won't work for everyone, but it did for me. So that's how I'm basing my opinion on Var.
My strength went up considerably at the end of my cycle w/ Anavar (var). I don't recal exact figures, but within a 5-6 week period I hit PR's on virtually all my lifts. I went up to 80mg the last few weeks.

Hell, maybe it won't work for everyone, but it did for me. So that's how I'm basing my opinion on Var.

i never said it didn't work, just IMO so much better out there for less money.

I would agree that 80mg would cause some nice gains in strength. I would never suggest anything less than that dose for a male. 80-120mg/d for any gains worth a shit.
IMO Anavar (var) is bullshit and a waste of money. unless you have a twatt. then it works well for you.
i would rather save my money and buy more test or tren.