Anavar Winstrol Stack Libido


New member
I've been on an anavar and winstrol stack for close to 4 weeks and am noticing quite a big decrease in my sex drive , wondering if there is anything I can take to boost it up other then test. Also curious on what I should take on my PCT . Thanks
Hypogonadism does that - assuming you are male. That is why one always needs testosterone as the base of their cycle. Sounds like you are too scared to inject. You need to find a new hobby.

What do you have on hand for PCT? What was your PCT plan prior to beginning your ill-advised cycle?

What is your age, height, weight and body fat %?
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I've been on an anavar and winstrol stack for close to 4 weeks and am noticing quite a big decrease in my sex drive , wondering if there is anything I can take to boost it up other then test. Also curious on what I should take on my PCT . Thanks

Female getting ready for a contest I take it?
you can try a test booster but you really need test to run along these is what they are getting at
I've been an active member here for like a month and I am already tired of all the threads about oral only cycles. Its kind of funny, Megatrons and Halfwits posts are golden.