
It can be done.

It would not be any more effective, and would require frequent injects, so I don't see the benefit of converting. Being 17aa it has to pass through the liver anyway to be activated.

It would be a fun experiment though, assuming you can afford to lose a few grams trying.
Oral is much is a prior post on making it, in case you need it....

you want 50ml... then you.....

1g= 1,000mg / (divide by) 50ml = so you will get 20mg/ml ....

so you will want 50ml of everclear or bacardi 151 .... but wait... the 1 gram of var takes up space too, so we will need to subtract the space the 1g takes up from the 50ml of liquid..... ( I do not know the exact # here.. some one help, but I do not think it is more then a half of ml... so I just subtract .5 ml.....

so add 49.5 ml to the 1 grams and shack it up good....

then one cc/ml at a time squirt it into the mouth and swallow...

each squirt will be 20mg var!
DougoeFre5h said:
Is anavar 17aa? Im probably wrong but i thought It was something slightly less harsh/effective.

Yes, it is considered by some to be easier on the liver, although it is still 17aa. The following is a little exerpt from our profiles here on St'ology:

Anavar is also a 17alpha alkylated oral steroid, carrying an alteration that will put stress on the liver. It is important to point out however that dispite this alteration oxandrolone is generally very well tolerated. While liver enzyme tests will occasionally show elevated values, actual damage due to this steroid is not usually a problem. Bio-Technology General states that oxandrolone is not as extensively metabolized by the liver as other l7aa orals are; evidenced by the fact that nearly a third of the compound is still intact when excreted in the urine. This may have to do with the understood milder nature of this agent (compared to other l7aa orals) in terms of hepatotoxicity. One study comparing the effects of oxandrolone to other agents including as methyltestosterone, norethandrolone, fluoxymesterone and methAndriol clearly supports this notion. Here it was demonstrated that oxandrolone causes the lowest sulfobromophthalein (BSP; a marker of liver stress) retention among all the alkylated orals tested. 20mg of oxandrolone in fact produced 72% less BSP retention than an equal dosage of fluoxyrnesterone, which is a considerable difference being that they possess the same liver-toxic alteration. With such findings, combined with the fact that athletes rarely report trouble with this drug, most feel comfortable believing it to be much safer to use during longer cycles than most of other orals with this distinction. Although this may very well be true, the chance of liver damage still cannot be excluded, especially with hogher dosages.