Ance with the gear???

if your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is from mp id toss it the arom I got from them was bunk as shit. and they were 25mg caps In a 40 pack
if your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is from mp id toss it the arom I got from them was bunk as shit. and they were 25mg caps In a 40 pack

Idk bro, everyone is different so maybe what's bunk to you is overdosed to hell for him???
Everyone is different and I believe it all matters on how well your able to balance out your hormones post cycle. I never had acne as a teen nor have I on any of my past previous cycles. I did 2 cycles this past year of Test E and Tren A, first experiences with tren which I LOVED.. Unfortunately, its been since mid April since I have come off of my cycle and I have been battling some pretty bad acne on my back and shoulders. During cycle I didnt have ANY acne whatsoever.. I think its time to get back on! LOL
I found the cure to acne on my back and face. Take zinc. I dose it at 30 mg's in the morning and 12 hours later I take 30 mg's before bed. I started this about 3 weeks back and my back and shoulder acne is soooooo much better. Also, take pantothenic acid during your cycle it will make your pores smaller and you won't be secreting much oil. I wish I knew about the zinc on my last cycle cuz I'd be acne free if I had started it then. Look into the pantothenic acid mega dosing. Id start the pantothenic acid at around 10 grams a day for the week before your actual cycle then maintain 6-7 grams during the cycle all the way through post cycle therapy (pct). Some people start shedding hair with the mega dosing. I know I did, but it didn't make much of a difference cuz I have thick assed hair anyways and it grew back. I also use dermalogica face clearing skin wash. It's expensive as fuck, but it definitely works. All their shit is good to go if you got the money. But like others said what works for me may not work for you.
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so moral of story is: everyone is different!!!! you may or may not get acne...............................haha just roll with it my dude
No, no one is different, everyone's the same, except Luke. He's different and should be shunned and cast out of our little village. Bad Luke, run away, run far far away and never come back. You're not wanted here. You're different.
No, no one is different, everyone's the same, except Luke. He's different and should be shunned and cast out of our little village. Bad Luke, run away, run far far away and never come back. You're not wanted here. You're different.

It may be time for some blood work Rumpy. Lol
Here is the plan.
Dbol 50mg 1-4
Test e 500mg 1-12
Aromasin (they are capsules so can't be split and they are 25mg each and I have 40 please give advice on when to take)

The post cycle therapy (pct) is

I know that no one can tell if I will get acne but I have never got it bad even when I was a teen and puberty. (pimple every now as then but nothing noticeable) so I was wondering if I do get it will it most Likely be seriouse or just a little and will somthing at rite aid or cvs do the trick? Would I just need a cream or face wash and stuff (somthing more that just body wash)
Please no comments that no one knows what will happend because everybody is different. I already know that and stated if I do get it.

every1 is different. I had almost no pimple when I was a teen. Got some minor acne right now on cycle, no big deal. I take b6 and it help. sun is good also