And so it begins


Ok guys, finally got everything in hand and gonna start today.:biggthump
My stats are as follows:
age- 36
height- 6'1"
weight- 228lbs
Not sure of my BMI but not fat.

My cycle:
weeks 1-18 test blend 600mg/week (split into two injections, mon. and thurs).

weeks 1-16 deca 400mg/week (split into two injections, mon. and thurs).

weeks 1-18 exestane (aromasin) 6mg eod for the first week then up to 12.5mg eod.

weeks 1-18 prami .125mg ed for the first week then up to .25 ed.

weeks 20-24 clomid 100/100/50/50
nolva 40/40/20/20

This cycle is based on research and advice from this site. If you think I need to tweak anything, please feel free to post a comment.
I"m going to post my progress as I go through this cycle, please follow I'm sure I'm going to have questions for the vets out there.
Actually I do have one right now. What time of day is best to take the Asin? I know prami should be taken before bed due to the lethargy and nausea, but not sure if Asin has any sides, just making sure.
Thanks for any input, take it easy.:Pump:
What's your cycle experience?

Doesn't matter take aromasin whenever. I take it at bedtime though. Pct you only need 50mg clomid, 100mg hasn't worked any different for many of us.

Personally I only take Aromatase inhibitor (AI) if I run a big cycle, or if it's required on a smaller cycle.
What's your cycle experience?

Doesn't matter take aromasin whenever. I take it at bedtime though. Pct you only need 50mg clomid, 100mg hasn't worked any different for many of us.

Personally I only take Aromatase inhibitor (AI) if I run a big cycle, or if it's required on a smaller cycle.

Thanks for the advice A.B, my past experience was a cycle that consisted of 600mg/week of test e, hcg(can't remember the dose, it was a while ago), and anastrozole(once again don't remember the dose). The cycle lasted for about 16 weeks in total with no real PCT other than running the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and anastrozole a few weeks past my last pin of test. This was an Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) run and was told by the rep. that I wouldn't need PCT. I have since abandoned that account due to cost. Anyway, I didn't have any trouble the whole way through the cycle, I didn't gain much at all mainly because my diet was shit at the time and my workouts weren't as good as they are now ( the diet has been rectified also).

As far as running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), I know that I naturally have a high estrogen lvl. and a low test lvl (basically I have my mothers hormones, lol). So I would rather err on the safe side. Like they say "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure".:cool:
Speaking of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) I would definitely run it on this cycle. 250 to 500iu twice a week for the duration. I would consider it because it is a longer cycle.
Speaking of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) I would definitely run it on this cycle. 250 to 500iu twice a week for the duration. I would consider it because it is a longer cycle.

Yeah, I would love to run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) but I don't have access to it. It took me just about a year to find the test and deca and that was a one time deal from a guy who just trying to unload the rest of his inventory as he was getting out of the business. I haven't secured an online source as of yet, still new to Ology and don't quite know how to go about getting one other than making friends and being patient. So until I find another way, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is inaccessible to me.
Thanks for the input A.B, much appreciated.
So did my first pin yesterday, everything went well except that I pulled the pin out too quickly and lost and lost a little oil, won't do that again. I also forgot how much I love the injection process (I guess i got a little masochist in me, lol). Also, no PIP, the last cycle I did always hurt and turned into a lump a day later, gotta say I don't miss that.

Ran chest and triceps today, finally got back on the flat bench, we've been doing dumbell work for the last 6 weeks and I got up to the 120's on flat dumbell press for a set of 3, I know its not much compared to alot of you guys but I'm proud of it, I'm finally making progress after a bout of shoulder tendonitus a few months ago. Anyway, my flat bench numbers fucking sucked, fourth set was only 205lbx8 reps. My workout partner (former power lifter) says that it'll take a few weeks to get our strength back since we hadn't done flat bench in so long, thats cool but it still sucks when your struggling on 205.

We'll see if anything changes next week.
Take it easy everybody. Thanks for tuning in.:Playboy:
Well I just did my third pin today, everything went smooth, no problems. I also upped my aromasin dosage to 12.5mg ed and my prami to .25 ed.
No real changes in the the gym other than the normal strength increases. I don't know if its in my head or not but I feel like I'm getting better pumps, I know its too early to be having any effect related to the cycle but it is a noticable change. Maybe its the 30mg of test prop. in the test blend, lol.

One question that has come up pertains to the use of Nolva in post cycle therapy (pct) after a test and deca cycle. I've read some threads saying its not a good idea and others saying its fine. Any feedback on this would be greatly appreciated.
Take it easy.