BULK-UP and THE GORILLA SERIES is the Strongest, Safest, Legal and most Affordable testosterone and androgen enhancement available.
The methods and research used to manufacture BULK-UP and The Stack make it the most effective advanced natural muscle building product that you can buy safely and legally. BULK-UP is guaranteed to provide amazing results from which every man can benefit. Whether you are looking to gain lean muscle mass, a competitive edge, increased motivation, a sense of accomplishment and well being; be it in the weight room, on the court, the field or in the social realm of your life ANDRO FACTORY delivers the only natural prohormone that will make you big, keep you safe and on top of your game.
The unparalleled results from BULK-UP go unmatched by any other muscle building agents available today. The results come from our Advanced DHEA Complex, CP+R, Once-A-Day technology and your dedication to high protein intakes and heavy lifting. See our included nutrition and lifting instructions for best results.
The science and technology behind ANDRO FACTORY***8217;S flagship testosterone and androgen enhancement product BULK-UP is a natural combination that delivers unparalleled results that you can trust. Our goal is to provide you with the knowledge and tools to make a sound and personal choice when contouring your body. Providing links and insight to the legalities behind prohormones, professional sports, the FDA and industry/product awareness and news.
The Advanced DHEA Complex in BULK-UP promotes an increase in your lean muscle mass gains by 7-18 lbs in as little as 8 weeks depending on your choice of dose. Muscle gains, hardening, strength, stamina, increased libido and the promotion of anti-effects of gynecomastia are only some of the benefits that come from The Advanced DHEA Complex; DHEA is also commonly known as the anti-aging wonder drug of the century. When handled properly DHEA can result in higher DHT levels and increased testosterone. Blood tests reveal that these androgen's can boost your DHT levels by 3.5 times within 6 hours.
The high anabolic, androgenic and estrogenic activities found in The Advanced DHEA Complex will lead you to massive gains, strength, and long lasting stamina. These prohormones actually promote the creation new muscle cells from stem cells, new nuclei, increase protein synthesis abilities and Increase the utilization of amino-acids for new tissue growth allowing you to retain more nutrients. Some of these effects such as the increased nuclei, and myoblasts can stick with you for the rest of your life.
4-DHEA - ß-DHEA - a-DHEA
IS The Advanced DHEA Complex
Fact: 4-DHEA converts to the potent anabolic androstenediol at high levels, which then converts to testosterone. This anabolic prohormone has zero to mild estrogen conversions and produces massive gains without bloating; while maximizing all masculine features and characteristics.
Fact: The androgen's ß-DHEA and a-DHEA convert to the potent natural androgen dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
These active ingredients are specifically included to enhance mental clarity and aggressive strength while assisting you in your mass muscle building experience. This is a delicate neuro-balanced ratio to avoid effects of lethargy or tiredness from the 4-DHEA. It***8217;s this specific balance of GABAergic isomers from the epiandrosterone and androsterone that eliminates the feeling of lethargy while enhancing your clarity and focus.
Strongest, fastest, purest way to muscle gain.
The fastest way to BIG.
BULK-UP will provide noticeable results in as little as two weeks. First with stronger lifting ability and then with muscle fullness and hardness.
Please visit our testimonials, reviews and before and afters on our Community Pages. Follow our loggers on their journey through an 8 week cycle and see real people gain real Muscle.
BULK-UP is non-methylated with a balanced estrogen conversion making it easy to stack with any cycle, this includes all ANDRO FACTORY products and non ANDRO FACTORY products: metabolic steroids, anabolic steroids, prohormones and natural T-boosters. Although ANDRO FACTORY strongly recommends to stick to the safe and effective product BULK-UP and the safe and effective line THE GORILLA SERIES we understand that customers do stack our prohomones with other compounds. Depending on your desired gains, protein intake and lifting commitments see the Cycle Stacking Guidelines.
For more information on The Advanced DHEA Complex and The Power of Testosterone please visit The Stack!
The GORILLA SERIES is designed to be the only alternative to injectable Testosterone Enanthate and prescription Testosterone Replacement Therapy.
Do not use this product or any natural or unnatural prohormone, hormone or steroid for more than 8 weeks without taking an 8 week off cycle.
Whether you are looking for the best possible androgen and testosterone enhancement to gain a competitive edge, or to increase your motivation to gain the body you***8217;ve always wanted or your natural testosterone levels have dropped, ANDRO FACTORY***8217;S BULK-UP will deliver results. You will gain lean, hard muscle, experience new levels of confidence and motivation and an increase in libido that will benefit you by promoting confidence in the gym, on the field, court or stage, in the boardroom and in the bedroom. You will be glad you invested in the most effective and the safest testosterone enhancing and androgen boosting prohormone product available.