Andropen275 with Tri-Tren150 cycle


New member
So listen guys, I have this 'big friend' that just 'gave me' today the following:

- tren-mix, BD tri-trenabol 150 (1vial 10ml)
- test-mix, BD andropen 275 (1vial 10 ml)
- nolvadex 20mg (30tabs)
- hcg 3x 1500iu (1ml amps)

Now he told me I should start with this items and put in a cycle before I start the other one that I'll receive in about 20 days. His advice to me:

wk 1 - 5 /andropen 275mg twice a week
wk 1 - 5 /tri-tren 150 twice a week
wk 1 - 5 /hcg 500 a week
wk 6 - 7 /nolva 20/40

Now before I jump in and believe people who look big and I think they should be right.. I want your opinion. I mean I f*cked up before I just don't want to do it again the wrong way. Well, any comments helpful. Thanks.
Ok I just couldn't resist. I started to jab myself. Mad a slightly different dosage:

wk 1 - 7 /andropen 206mg twice a week
wk 1 - 7 /tri-tren 112 twice a week
wk 2 - 7 /hcg 500 a week
wk 8 - 10 /nolva 40/20/20

So my first pin was last Thursday. I did 0.75ml andropen(equals 206mg) and by accident put 1.25ml tritren(equals187.5mg). I injected it and will make up for the mistake in dosage on Sunday. I will do 0.75ml andropen and 0.25ml (37,5mg)tritren. So the dosage for the week will be as planned. This a good idea?

I did the injection at 2 pm. Had training at 7pm and felt more energy and pump already! Could be placebo effect. We'll see. I'll keep my log here.
Thanks for reading.
I just did 750iu HCG 1st shot. I thought it's more convenient because I have insulin syringes with the pin already on it. So after mixing I have two 750iu pins. The other I stored in the fridge.

So this was my first hcg injection ever. Could it be possible that my balls like 10 minutes after injection are 'swollen'??? They seem to be slightly bigger already. . Weird..
In ny experience its best to run test first then introduce the tren latter on but
If you never done tren before i highy sugest you drop your tri tren when that shit kicks your not gonna like it espcially if your gonna fuck up and average a shot
50Mg tren a eod is what most people generally start out with
And given your post no offense but you need to research alot more before you run what you are
I assure you the only tren ill ever run is tren a and for more than one reason
And even then Id rather run high test w/t deca
In ny experience its best to run test first then introduce the tren latter on but
If you never done tren before i highy sugest you drop your tri tren when that shit kicks your not gonna like it espcially if your gonna fuck up and average a shot
50Mg tren a eod is what most people generally start out with
And given your post no offense but you need to research alot more before you run what you are
I assure you the only tren ill ever run is tren a and for more than one reason
And even then Id rather run high test w/t deca

Thanks for your opinion. Can you explain me why you think the Tren would be to harsh? I'm entering week 4 tomorrow (Monday) and I gained since I started, 7kg (15lbs)... and not all bodyfat. I must admint, I've been buking but also training hard. People noticing me changing and I can see and feel it. So far no sides... I am feeling my heart pounding more than normally when I do cardio training and high intentsity trainings (mma grappling and also bootcamp-like workouts), so the heavy breathing is uncomfortable, but so far so good..