anewguy's Second Cycle Log


Movin' On Up!
What's up everyone,

So I wanted to log this cycle I am doing for everyone to see. I am using all PEA gear. I started pinning last Thursday, which was 8-23-12. Last night was my second pin.

177ish lbs
approx 12-15%BF
22 y/o
working out for several years, much more seriously in the past two years. I began a cut in December 2011 and didn't finish until Summer 2012. I went from 207 to about 174.

Here is the plan:
Weeks 1 - 15
  • 550mg of test e/week
  • UDCA 500mg /week (2 caps)
Weeks 1 - 4
  • dbol 50mg/day
Weeks 13 - 16
  • Anavar 50mg/day
Weeks 2 - 15
  • Adex .25/day
Weeks 17 - 20
  • Nolva 40/40/20/20

Thursday 8-23-12
Began test with slightly <1ml of test e
Also started dbol at 25mg ED

Monday 8-27-12
Second test inj this evening.
Also started adex at .25
Took UDCA cap as well
Sorry bro my camera actually broke the other day... Shitty I know.

So today I bumped my dbol to 50mg and holy shit... I did arms at the gym and they were gettin pumped as hell. It was awesome! This was really the first time I've felt any of the products. I am exactly 7 days in, and counting. My weight is holding... I play soccer 2 x a week so I know that cardio is burning a lot of calories, so I need to try to eat more... Story of my life.

Thursday 8-30-12
Third test injection tonight
Bumped dbol to 50mg today
Continuing adex at .25mg
1x UDCA cap

I'm going to attempt to update this thread on injection days, as I have notes on my phone for each day and can just copy and paste.
Alright so I did my fourth injection yesterday. Everything is going well. I have not been stepping on a scale because I am less worried about that as I am my appearance. Most of my lifts are up, but not all of them. I did chest yesterday and it was pretty pumped up afterwards. I am sure it's all in my head at this point, but I have been horny as hell lately. I'm sure I am wearing my gf out! lol

Other than that, things are going well... No sides lately. I have a cough, but I was sick before I started the cycle, so I'm still getting over the cough.

This was my log entry from yesterday:
Monday 9-3-12
Fourth test injection this morning
Dbol still at 50mg/day
Continuing adex at .25mg
1x UDCA cap
So I have pretty much decided that my dbol is fake. I won't go into anything about the source/reasons for thinking this or anything like that at all, so don't ask. That being said, I am still taking it just to be sure it is I am prob going to bump to 75mg today and see what happens, just to be sure.

I also had a splitting, deadly, brutal, wanted-to-die headache yesterday at work. I had to turn off my lights in my office and lay down for over an hour just to get it to quit. I think it was a migraine, which I never have had before. I also had trouble reading, was seeing spots in my vision, and just in general had a REALLY BAD couple of hours. I thought my vision was done for life, so I was also panicking. Anyway, I went to the pharmacy as soon as I could, and checked my BP which was normal... Like 131/63.

This Thursday will mark the third week (21st) day since my first test injection. I have been horny as hell, and my lifts have gone up a bit, but nothing extreme. I hope to see much more very soon.

Log entries:

Thursday 9-6-12
Fifth test injection this evening
Dbol still at 50mg/day (fake)
Continuing adex at .25mg
1x UDCA cap

Monday 9-10-12
Sixth test injection this evening (left glute)
Dbol still at 50mg/day (fake?)
Continuing adex at .25mg
1x UDCA cap
My damn wrist hurts.... I think I have tendonitis or something. I had to quit lifting on Friday evening and haven't been able to do any lifts since. I have a brace that I am wearing and I may try to go lift today, or I may wait until tomorrow. And then if I can't lift, I will go to the doctor. If anyone has any advice, I'd welcome it. Thanks
Sometimes straight bar curls cause pain in my wrists when I start going heavier than I normally would... If you're doing those, I'd stay away from them for a bit. Do you know what caused the pain initially?

As far as you seeing minimal gains, as you know I'm sure, the test e is probably just now starting to work. If the dbol is fake(which I know the situation you're referring too) you really shouldn't be getting too many gains until right about now. I've run their Test E a few times and its definitely solid stuff. Good luck bro!
thanks for the heads up bro. yeah the dbol was fake so i dropped it. I wonder if it was some sort of horny goat weed or something though, cuz I swear my sex drive fell off for a bit after dropping it.

Today marks 3.5 actual weeks since my first injection, so I'm sure things will turn out better shortly. Actually my lifts were up a bit before my injury.

As for my wrist.... I began doing preacher ez curls like a badass with more weight than I ever have. Then I did chest the next day even though I had slight pain in my wrist. I have been off since Friday, and I still feel it when I bend it. I think maybe I am progressing to quickly on curls and some other lifts, and my tiny wrists aren't ready for it. I think I may look into deca to help this problem on my next cycle. This has happened twice now... And it's very frustrating because I can't lift, and I still continue to eat like a horse so I notice some weight gain in the wrong places.

I shouldn't have attempted those curls on friday afternoon, they hurt like a bitch and I still repped it like 8 times just cuz I was pissed and didn't want to miss out on arm day. So all I did was make shit worse. Oh well, if I can't lift today, a doctor's visit is due.
Alright so I powered through chest lifts yesterday and im fine today. I had to take it easy as far as weight is concerned but shit happens. For me it's not about how much I can lift, it's about how much i look like I can lift.

Today is legs so I know I'll be gtg there, except for deadlifts... but we'll see. I forgot to post this yesterday... oh well, it's pretty generic each day anyway.
Thursday 9-13-12
Seventh test injection this evening
Continuing adex at .25mg
1x UDCA cap

Monday 9-17-12
Eighth test injection this evening
Continuing adex at .25mg
1x UDCA cap