Anger Managment


New member
OK folks,

Tomorrow is D Day. I start my second cycle. I had been struggling with some anger issues. Some work related, some relationship related. My last cycle I don't remember anger being unmanageable, but I am kind of concerned. Any thoughts? My cycle is posted below.

Test Enanthate 250 x2 WK 1-12
Test Prop 125 EOD 1-3
EQ 200 x2 Wk 1-12
HGH 4IU 1-20
Arimirdex .25 mg EOD 1-15
If you use anabolic steroids as an excuse for excess anger, then you are simply making poeple who are able to use them responsibly look bad. Just stick to creatine. I have taken every damn steroid in the book, and have never once felt like ANY of them caused increased anger, or aggression. Never.

SkedMedz said:
If you use anabolic steroids as an excuse for excess anger, then you are simply making poeple who are able to use them responsibly look bad. Just stick to creatine. I have taken every damn steroid in the book, and have never once felt like ANY of them caused increased anger, or aggression. Never.

Got ya! I hear that. This is a relatively mild cycle compared to some others I have seen. If it becomes an issue I will discontinue usage.

Hay I like your Avatar! Ace Fuckin Frehley! Yea!
as of for me.....steroids dont make me angry....they make me really irritable which causes me to get anger quicker .... haha
With me they dont make me angry. The Test make me alittle more edgey but it is all controlable. I have a anger isue any how and have went to (court ordered ) Anger Managment classes( Got into a fight with of duty police officer) really not my fault. He was a dick to me so I kicked his ass. Now that was before my AS cycles. But I guess the point Im trying to make is anger is controlable with certain techniques. It sounds stupid but it does work. And as far as the roids making you angry, If they do its because you allready have this as predispostion of anger. Maybe stay off them till you can get this under control. IMO
SkedMedz said:
If you use anabolic steroids as an excuse for excess anger, then you are simply making poeple who are able to use them responsibly look bad. Just stick to creatine. I have taken every damn steroid in the book, and have never once felt like ANY of them caused increased anger, or aggression. Never.

I have noticed when on i have had some changes in being a bit on is not an excuse...but a fact...just as on clomid i feel weepy like a bitch....there is a side for every drug, whether it is asprin or caffine....

My friends and family seem to think I am nicer and more relaxed while 'on'.. I guess this could be because of my feeling of overwhelming self confidence. Really though, there was a point in my life when I had a very bad anger problem. Some of the things I did were so bad they make me want to cry just thinking about them. You just have to get to a point in your life where you are happy with yourself and not let people interfear with that happiness.
bigp106 said:
And as far as the roids making you angry, If they do its because you allready have this as predispostion of anger. Maybe stay off them till you can get this under control. IMO

I totally agree with you. I am a very mellow person, and nothing I have ever taken changed my personality in the least. I have a friend, though, who has anger issues anyway, and when he was on halo, it was not a pretty picture. It definitely made him even more aggressive.
If you flip out easily juice may not be for you. It won't do you much good in the slammer. "Slammer no pun intended" anyway you may try St. John's Wort I hear it works. It is better than nothing. IMHO