Ive been on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for about two years. Started on androgel, which sucked ass by the way, Then doc put me on Test E.
In December of 2011 i ran cycle;
300mg of Test E - 8 weeks
40mg of VAR a day for the first - 4 weeks
Man the Var made my joints feel so much better! My spine, hip, everything except of course the injured right shoulder i have. However even that felt well enough that i was pushing more weight. Of course i was very careful, since i just came off of physical therapy for the shoulder.
As for the humira it seems to be working. Even though by the second week i feel the "AS" creeping back in. You know the usual, The tiredness, pain, and all that jazz.
When you start your cycle always remember you have "AS". Push your self as hard as you can but pace yourself and be very careful, always, always, always use strict form and stretch as much as you can.