Anomaly's Natural Pics


Not a newb
I've yet to start my cycle, but I went ahead and took my before pics:







I obviously didn't have any help in taking these pictures. Thus I didn't take any pics of my legs but they're up to par with the rest of my body.

-I'm 22
-I'm 5'8"
-140 lbs.
-8.6% body fat
-3 strong years of lifting, minus December '05, and recently came off torn right quadricep in May-July '06. Lost 16 lbs. during that from sitting around for 3 months b/c i literally couldn't do anything else.
-I'm currently on a bulking routine, coming of a strength/power routine to get my pre-torn quad strength back.
-I take in 3.6k-4k calories a day.
-Don't ask me why i'm at 140 lbs. plateau. I cut out all cardio, pure bulk, big diet and still no gains.
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you way to light, i deffinatly wouldnt go for gear till your atleast 170+, you just need to change your routine or eating habbits, stop the cardio for abit. you can always gain weight.
Cardio has been gone for a month+. I've been on 3.6k-4k calories intake a day diet 6 months pre-torn quad and the past 2 or 3 months post-torn quad. I change up my routine to prevent stagnation and it's currently bulk style.
guarantee you, that you have a lot of room to grow naturally.

Best of luck on your torn quad rehabilitation.
Not ready for a cycle yet bro but thanks for posting up some pics. Btw I dig the Venom tat. Never seen one like that before.
You didn't mention your age. At 18 I looked a lot like you. At 24 I had put a ton of mucsle on. At 29 I looked nice and BIG. Lots of "Duhhh he do steroids that why he big". At 31 I had done all I could do naturally and added the gear. I have no regrets waiting that long but it does take patience and commitment. Do what you want everyone's different but do it safely.
eat more man, there is no way your at your plateau. Take in 6k calories. Change up your training to heavy compound lifts.
Well, 6k calories would be too hard for me to take in, and I've been on 4k forever while working out and i can't ever seem to get past 140. I've tried for the past nearly 2 years. As for the gear, I was just gonna do the usual newb cycle of test e to get things going. I'm not trying to become a super hero, i'm just trying to get past this plateau. 4k+ calories makes me nearly throw up I eat so much. 6k is improbable in my mind. As for my routines, I know what I'm doing, I've even gone as far as to read Baechle/Earle's "Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning" b/c I'm a nerd with alot of free time. I'm just a stereotypical ectomorph. It's hard for me to gain weight compared to endomorph type people and mesomorph type people.
I think maybe you should really magnify your diet - are you sure your getting 4k calories in? I've never seen someone plateau at your weight on 4k cals.

If you are going to cycle anyways, do it right. 500mg a week, use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) throughout, have proper PCT. Have something on hand to combat gyno.

Good luck and welcome to the club.
post up your diet bud...u said uve been on it for ages and havent changed so obviously u need more FOOD

post it up and well have a look at it
I eat every 4 hours.


8am - 800cal protein shake (Muscle milk, choc syrup, peanut butter)
12pm - Lunch - usually large (i.e. pizza, mexican food, chinese, italian, etc.)
4pm - 1000cal protein shake (Cytogainer, choc syrup, peanut butter, banana)
8pm - Dinner - with 800cal protein shake (Muscle Milk, choc syrup, peanut butter)
11pm - Snack - i.e. seeds, hot pocket, tuna, ramen, etc. with 800cal protein shake (Muscle Milk, choc syrup, peanut butter)

6 Ozarka's (.5L each) throughout the day.


5am - 800cal protein shake (Muscle milk, choc syrup, peanut butter)
9am - 2 pints of milk, 1 pint of orange juice, toast, cereal/oatmeal
1pm - Lunch - usually large (i.e. pizza, mexican food, chinese, italian, etc.)
5pm - Snack - i.e. seeds, hot pocket, tuna, ramen, etc.
9pm - Dinner - with 800cal protein shake (Muscle Milk, choc syrup, peanut butter)

Fri-Sat i work which is why it's different and a drop in calories. I really can't find time for more food or shakes for any day.
Anomaly said:
Well, 6k calories would be too hard for me to take in, and I've been on 4k forever while working out and i can't ever seem to get past 140. I've tried for the past nearly 2 years. As for the gear, I was just gonna do the usual newb cycle of test e to get things going. I'm not trying to become a super hero, i'm just trying to get past this plateau. 4k+ calories makes me nearly throw up I eat so much. 6k is improbable in my mind. As for my routines, I know what I'm doing, I've even gone as far as to read Baechle/Earle's "Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning" b/c I'm a nerd with alot of free time. I'm just a stereotypical ectomorph. It's hard for me to gain weight compared to endomorph type people and mesomorph type people.

That was exactly what I said before I really started eating and training heavy (deadlift, squat, bench).

Look at my old pic. I was smaller than you at 26 years old (125 lbs 5'8). Now I'm 180 lbs 13%bf and still natural. Maybe I'll hit gear after 200 lbs.
I was about to use steroids when I followed the advice of people around here who told me to stay natty. I even had bought the stuff and I still have it on my closet.
I started growing when I learnt the meaning of "forcefeeding" myself.
Belive it. At 140 lbs 5'8 you don't need gear.

edit: added a "after" pic
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well said...i completly agree with luquillo. I am also a natty ans i started out at 5'7 120 when i was 18 and now i am 22 and i am 168 and the heavist i have been is 180. You can def gain alot more naturally before hitting gear...and i am top heavy so i have like 20 pounds of growth in my legs...anyways keep hitting it natty, goodluck
Olive Oil? Do i just chug it or what? It looks like it takes alot to get high calories out of it.
What do you squat and deadlift?

Why do you wait 4 hours between meals?

I started this lifting thang at 135lbs - I used to say the same shit man. I know you want this NOW. But also, BELIEVE me if you can get past a paltry 140, your doing something really wrong that steroids just wont help.