Another BF% estimate

yeah I agree around12-14% You look pretty fukkin thick - nice work, dude. U in the service? Tough to get enuf quality protein, i bet. Not that you asked,but you should work on your delts and lats, bring up the traps doing shrugs. Nice overallphysique, tho. Props.
yeah I agree around12-14% You look pretty fukkin thick - nice work, dude. U in the service? Tough to get enuf quality protein, i bet. Not that you asked,but you should work on your delts and lats, bring up the traps doing shrugs. Nice overallphysique, tho. Props.

yes im in the service and currently in Afghanistan so it makes it even harder to get any protein. Ive been getting pretty good results with Tru-mass and syntha-6. and thanks for the critique, i know i need to work on those areas but i never feel like i get a good workout when doing those exercises, but ill definitely keep it in mind.
yes im in the service and currently in Afghanistan so it makes it even harder to get any protein. Ive been getting pretty good results with Tru-mass and syntha-6. and thanks for the critique, i know i need to work on those areas but i never feel like i get a good workout when doing those exercises, but ill definitely keep it in mind.

Hey Jake
Very impressive consideringu are working out in afganistan! Major props for your dedication and hard work- it shows! For the lats try working in wide grip pull ups and only go about halfway up. After that your biceps take over and u clearly have well developed guns. Do those to failure and concentrate on flaring the lats while u do them. That will help develop the V taper. For the traps, my favorite is upright or bent over rows. Again go for complete exhaustion of the muscle at least 10 reps. At the top, hold the contraction for a few seconds. I am sure you will develop those fast when u hit them hard.

Thanks also for your service to our country, it's a big sacrifice and much appreciated!
Later bro.
thanks again for the help man, ive always just done regular pullups with ease, never thought about doing them like that. ill definitely give it a shot today.