Another FIRST CYCLE! Bring on the criticism!


New member
Hey everyone!

First of all - thanks to everyone for contributing to this awesome, well-informed forum. I have learned alot throughout the last year (although i just joined myself)
I have seriously been reading up on AS use non-stop for a loong time. As if its been my job. Although - one thing i have picked up on, no matter how much you think you know, someone will always no more/have more experience. So if anyone sees anything wrong with this - please chime in.

Stats: 6´1, 205 pounds, 10-12%bf, 23 years old
Been lifting for about 6-7 years and take it very seriously. Diet very much on point. Right now maintaining weight at about 3500kcals. Will prob bump to 4000 on cycle. I would like to start cycle a little leaner then i am at the moment - and have dieted down to 7-8% 3 times before - however, i always shoot straight up to 10-12% again very quickly - even though i reverse diet, which tells me, it has nothing to do with metabolism but more with my homiostasis. My body just REALLY wants to stay right where i am.
As far as training - I usually go with 3 days on 1 day off. Cycle between bro-splits and fullbody. Feel like that benefits me the most (love the stuff "themuscleprof" puts up). I have also worked with a BB coach who is considered the best coach in my country - he has a very Y3T style training which i also implement.

(If anyone had similar stats prior to their first cycle, i would lie to know how it went!!??)

Seeking aproval/criticism for my first cycle - and will most def. log updates if i go through with it.

Basically im going to run a 10-week test E only cycle at 500mg a week - 250mg mon. and thur.

Week 1-10: 500mg test E
Week 1-12: 0,25-0,5mg adex eod
Week 3-10: 500iu HCG (250iu shots same time as my test e shots)
Week 11-12: Adex only (reduce whatever im taking by 50%)

Week 13-16: PCT - Nolva 40mg ed first 2 weeks, 20mg second 2 weeks -- clomid 50mg ed all 4 weeks
Will have a crapload of Nolva on hand incase of gyno

Going to get bloodwork done before, during and after hopefully.

I have spent the last year or so finguring out whether or not i COULD run a cycle - now im moreso wondering if i SHOULD (jurrasic park refference lol)
Seriously though, some of the sides scare the shiet out of me. Being 23 also sort of makes me think, whats the harm in waiting another 2 years or so? The thing is - besides going to school, i work as a PT - and truth be told i also have a very business oriented mind, and i do see AAS as a way of me being able to better premote myself as a PT. And oldschool BB has been a passion of mine for YEARS (before this "bring back oldschool" fad even started) - and i know i will eventually get "on" - so why not now? Sorry not looking for a therapist haha - but looking for advice, all comments are welcome.
Hey everyone!

First of all - thanks to everyone for contributing to this awesome, well-informed forum. I have learned alot throughout the last year (although i just joined myself)
I have seriously been reading up on AS use non-stop for a loong time. As if its been my job. Although - one thing i have picked up on, no matter how much you think you know, someone will always no more/have more experience. So if anyone sees anything wrong with this - please chime in.

Stats: 6´1, 205 pounds, 10-12%bf, 23 years old
Been lifting for about 6-7 years and take it very seriously. Diet very much on point. Right now maintaining weight at about 3500kcals. Will prob bump to 4000 on cycle. I would like to start cycle a little leaner then i am at the moment - and have dieted down to 7-8% 3 times before - however, i always shoot straight up to 10-12% again very quickly - even though i reverse diet, which tells me, it has nothing to do with metabolism but more with my homiostasis. My body just REALLY wants to stay right where i am.
As far as training - I usually go with 3 days on 1 day off. Cycle between bro-splits and full body. Feel like that benefits me the most (love the stuff "themuscleprof" puts up). I have also worked with a BB coach who is considered the best coach in my country - he has a very Y3T style training which i also implement.

(If anyone had similar stats prior to their first cycle, i would lie to know how it went!!??)

Seeking aproval/criticism for my first cycle - and will most def. log updates if i go through with it.

Basically im going to run a 10-week test E only cycle at 500mg a week - 250mg mon. and thur.

Week 1-10: 500mg test E
Week 1-12: 0,25-0,5mg adex eod
Week 3-10: 500iu HCG (250iu shots same time as my test e shots)
Week 11-12: Adex only (reduce whatever im taking by 50%)

Week 13-16: PCT - Nolva 40mg ed first 2 weeks, 20mg second 2 weeks -- clomid 50mg ed all 4 weeks
Will have a crapload of Nolva on hand incase of gyno

Going to get bloodwork done before, during and after hopefully.

I have spent the last year or so finguring out whether or not i COULD run a cycle - now im moreso wondering if i SHOULD (jurrasic park refference lol)
Seriously though, some of the sides scare the shiet out of me. Being 23 also sort of makes me think, whats the harm in waiting another 2 years or so? The thing is - besides going to school, i work as a PT - and truth be told i also have a very business oriented mind, and i do see AAS as a way of me being able to better premote myself as a PT. And oldschool BB has been a passion of mine for YEARS (before this "bring back oldschool" fad even started) - and i know i will eventually get "on" - so why not now? Sorry not looking for a therapist haha - but looking for advice, all comments are welcome.

I ran my very first cycle at 20 years old, I started taking anabolics in high school supplied by my football coach. I figured I was getting the treatment and turns out I wasn't at all. I'm older now and I see that coach as very stupid. It could have messed me up, apparently he didn't know what he was doing yet he thought he did. Some of the vets on this board have 20x the experience with AAS as I do, including the coach whom convinced me to shovel them down my throat.

As I said above my first real cycle was at 20 years old or so and I had pretty good gains, but looking back once again I see it as immature and I should never have done it. I didn't mess myself up, I played smart for what I was doing but I was just a kid and didn't know it. I thought I was grown, I wasn't. You've got a little while longer to wait. As the OLOGY states in some of the stickies, it really is best to wait until you're a little older to do these things. I consulted many people here on the ology my first time, as well did a lot of research and all the research I did then said the same thing that this forum does; Wait.

At 6'1" and 205lbs I don't feel that you're beefy enough to start a cycle yet anyway, not that being "beefy" has anything to do with it but do you really think you're at your genetic potential? I haven't seen you but I honestly can say that I don't believe you are by reading what I have. The very last thing when considering a cycle that I wanted to hear was about how I am a child and I don't need to run a cycle or experiment with anabolic's but I did hear that, it was very true and they were very right.
Wow.. Really appreciate your input guys. Will reconsider. Consulting a doc soon. Might do it, might not. But my own uncertainty really tells me that I shouldn't be making any disicions right now. Will give it another 6 months or so - and post again if I go through with it. Again, really appreciate the long post - good to know it's solid advice I can get in here.