another m1t... sorry


New member
just curious what the best m1t product is... is their a certian brand that stands out.... if someone could help me out with a site that would be great... ive been to and their are like 200 different kinds so im just wondering which is the best... a thread would help alot

I just recently purchased the legal gear ultimate stack and should start that next month. I have heard good things about it from a lot of people. Also I have heard that the gaspari methyl-d and oxavar are also really good but I havent heard as much about that one. Has anyone tried the gaspari methyl-d
Did three weeks of M1T by underground laboratories it was only 9.99 a bottle. Bought it from and it was worth it. Originally planned a six week cycle to get to a 300 lbs bench and got there in 3 weeks. I gained 20 lbs in three weeks and bench jumped 40 lbs. Went from the 280-285 set to the 320-325 set. Incline jumped 30 and so did decline. Stopped taking it after the three weeks because of back injury and severe forearm pain brought on by flat bar curls, figured why waste it just for bench so going to recoop and hit it again when I can do deads and squats.
One thing real fast and that is that all the m1t that i have seen has pretty much the same dollar to gram ratio. Nathan, you paid 9.99 for 60 tabs of 5mg, but it is almost the same as 38.00 for 80 tabs of 10mg each. I have heard awesome things about m-one-t from legal gear and my friends little brother went from benching 230 to 320 when he was on it so I ended up buying that brand, but you still made some enormous gains on your cycle, I figure I'll probably make about the same that you did though being that I have done other cycles and this was my friend's brother's first one. Also I plan on keeping a journal of my weight increases both on my body and on my lifts, as well as side effects and other info that might seem to be relative. Hopefully my journal as well as others will help a lot of people who doubt m1t be corrected. Besides I figure the people who it doesn't work for either (1) got some shitty brand( although I havent really heard of any particular brand that sucks), (2) have never responded well to workout supplementation, or (3) have already juiced many many times probably with harder juice like d-bol or anadrol or both and just don't seem to see the same results as they used to because they're system has become so dependant.
One thing that has not been said by too many people but has kind of been a concern with me is tendon and ligament strain. I am guessing and maybe someone knows more about it than me but with your muscle gaining size and strenth so quickly and the tendon and ligaments not adjusting quick enough there is a possibility you may suffer the same joint pain I have. Especially if you are on it longer and see the good results week after week, you can be talking about a big increase in weight.
I contacted a powerlifting buddy of mine that is more knowledgable in the subject and he said doing some lockout excercises may help with this. Definately something to think about next time. That is my .02
thanks a lot for the advice on the joint pain nathan. I know last time i cycled my elbow was hurting like a bitch, so bad i couldnt even do dips. It totally screwed me because i was in the middle of my cycle. Just out of curiousity, do you place any value in chondroiton or glucosamine for joint and ligament protection? I dont even know if that would help tendons though.